New Nigerian Dwarf Goat & We think she's PREGNANT!

New Nigerian Dwarf Goat & We think she's PREGNANT!


Meet our new Nigerian Dwarf Goat, Bo-Peep. We go Bo-Peep from Terry over at Oldesouth Goat Farm a month or so ago, & we wanted to introduce her to everyone that watches our homestead vlog, bc lots of fans have been asking if we got a new milk goat here on our farm.

Terry thought that Bo Pee might be pregnant, & and we have been watching her closely, & now we are 100% certain she is indeed pregnant! We can that her udders have really gotten much larger over the past few weeks & also you can see her belly is also growing in size as quell. My daughter actually saw the baby goat moving in her belly this weekend.

I sent Terry a picture of her & her udders, & she said that she looked to be a week from kidding. So we are super excited here on the farm, but at the same time, we are also super nervous!

We have hatched chicks, ducklings, quail, & have had baby piglets born here on the farm, but we have never had a pregnant goat, much less have one go into labor here on our homestead. But we are in good company...Terry & her goat farm, oldesouth farm, is only 15 minutes away, so if we need any help, she's only a phone call away.

But we are super happy, & of course we are hoping she has a little doe kid, but we will be happy either way, even if it is a little buckling long as everything goes smoothly & everyone stays & is healthy!

So everyone stay tuned for hopefully a new little healthy nigerian dwarf baby goat kid very soon!!

I hope you enjoyed this informative Goat YouTube Video, & if you have any goat questions or any goat comments or any goat recommendations, please feel free to comment or ask!

Contact Us:
Cog Hill Farm
PO Box 2204
Selma, AL 36701

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Thank y'all!!

Jason Smith, The Dancing Farmer

Cog Hill Farm

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