Preparing, for better or worse

Hi fellow Steemians and preppers,

A much different kind of post from me with this one. I have mixed feelings doing it but with a toddler in the house, we felt it prudent to be more prepared now rather than try to run around later.

What am I talking about? Stocking up on some essential foodstuffs in the house in the scenario where things get worse with this corona virus scenario that’s playing out. My wife is a coupon champion so we’ve got enough toilet paper for the rest of the year, on pure accident a couple months ago lol


We normally have a small amount of this stuff in the cabinets but today, I had the largest grocery bill we’ve ever had, almost 200$.


This one is relatively unchanged but I did add some more tomato sauce to it.


This was stocked up. One of the biggest things we’ve focused on with our son is having clean, distilled water enhanced with electrolytes or Fiji water. I know the plastic bottles aren’t the best for various health or environmental reasons but unfortunately you have to have give and take.


This one was stocked pretty well today. I focused on getting things that were bagged like the tortilla chips, and the cereal. Then there was some ghee, not sure what that was specifically for but what the heck why not lol.

We are focusing on maintaining our normal, mostly fresh foods diet like avocados and veggies but there’s potential, programmed or not, that things at the grocery store will get very difficult. Having lots of canned and slow-perishable foods that are what we want like organic and what we would normally buy is important. We of course hope to not have to resort to using the stuff out of necessity but it’s far better to be prepared, than unprepared.

I’m not trying to advocate for any fear agenda, because that’s exactly what is desired. If you think with your logic instead of with emotions, the outcome is typically quite different. I’m hoping that more come to a sense of calm preparation in case things go to a more difficult scenario. In years past, with each different fear-for-your-life scenario, it’s usually never as severe as those who promote the fear porn make it out to be. With the increased difficulty getting valid information from this situation, either insane infection rates, or a tepid rise in it, the information is something to consider. I’m neither fearful nor Blaisè about it, rather calculated. I would love for it to putter out but there’s lots of cancellations and things that haven’t happened before so paying attention here is I think prudent at least.

Are you doing anything to prepare for challenges? If not, would you consider doing mild preparations, so as not to get caught off guard? Let me know!

I’m not trying to start debates, rather thoughts about well-being.

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