Finally! Internet on the Farmstead!

Well, it's been a long time coming!

Internet out here has always been on our list, but never seemed pressing..

We like watching you tube and browsing ebay as much as anyone, but its not necessary for our happiness. We have had access to internet in the cab of my truck, but not here in our home.

Until now!


I'll admit Steemit is to blame... If blame is the right word for a happy occurrence.

It's strange, two years with next to no internet.. A situation as to make a strong man cry. A modern one anyway. At first it was annoying, but the want for it began to slip from our minds.

Less than two months ago a family member began to bring up Steemit and how it was this very interesting new blogging site. I was reluctant at first..

I'll be honest, I think all this modern technology has turned people into mush and I wanted as little to do with it as possible.


But I understand and appreciate the opportunity to reach out to like minded people, share our experiences, and learn from others...... And a payment is good too, however small :)

So we finally bumped it up the list and not only ran the cord and bought the box, but also purchased a new (to us) laptop. It's dead simple. Run your wire and plug it into the box, close to where your going to be wanting to use it, and your done! This one we got off amazon for around forty bucks and it's weather proof, but we attached it under the eve of the shed to be on the safe side.

I still think it's vital to limit the time spent surfing the web, but it has its uses as well.

-'The Digger'

** P.S.. special shout out to @greenacrehome for the help!!**

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