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Plants For Natural Diet At Home (Bean)

The vine-grown bean flower has several flowers in white, yellow, or purple in the bulbospora from the axilla. The flower is composed of one petal, two wing petals, two keel petals and all five petals and looks like a butterfly. Leaves are alternate phyllotaxis, 3 small leaves, and petiole is long. Leaves are wide ovate or obovate, with pointed ends and flat edges.


As a child, we planted this bean mainly on the edge of a fence or field in our home town. At that time, I did not know this flower was so pretty. As for the vinegar beans, it is rich in protein and calorie is low, so it is good for diet, too.


Beans are pods originating from Central and South America. Ground beans grew twisted, had root tunjang and long sides. This bean turns out to have great benefits and excellent nutritional content for the diet.
Folate content is easily absorbed by the body due to the presence of several amino acids contained in these nuts. Besides, beans also contain potassium, calcium, vitamin A and beta-protein that can strengthen bones. It turned out that green beans also memliliki low fat content. Good for those who are dieting fat.

Eat beans need not worry about excess calories. Because beans contain low calories, 35 calories per 120 g beans. Beans can be served hot or cold as a side dish. Can also be combined with mushrooms, tomatoes, carrots and various other vegetables.
If you want to get a crispy sweet bean taste, choose the young and fresh beans. Boil enough water, salt a little salt. Boil the beans briefly until withered. Remove immediately and flush with cold boiled water then drain. Green beans are beautiful, crispy tasty, ready to be mixed salad or vegetables.

Beans are also delicious made a mixture of stir-fry, soup, scrambled or baked with a sprinkling of cheese. Now, there's no reason to reject this slim green from your daily menu!

Best Regards : @alreina740

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