The Goodness of Siamese Pumpkin For Your Body's Health

Siamese pumpkin is a fruit that has a thin, pale green skin and has several vertical grooves on the surface of the skin. This plant needs a medium to grow in the form of moist and wet soil, in order to grow very quickly. . Some other species have a full surface with pointy spikes, while others have delicate skin. The flesh is pale white and wrap the seeds. Siamese pumpkin has a crunchy texture, as well as a mild flavor like pumpkin.

Inside the siamese pumpkin, there are important nutrients that are very useful for the health of our body. Nutritional content of siamese pumpkin One half cup serving provides about 17% of your daily vitamin C requirement. In addition, these vegetables also contain vitamin B complex, such as folate of 61 mcg and a small amount of niacin, thiamin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid and vitamin B6. Vitamin B plays an important role in the body's metabolic processes. In addition, this siamese pumpkin fruit also contains mineral substances such as iron, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, and copper.

Siamese pumpkin contains very low calories. Siamese pumpkin only provides calories per 100 grams, and does not contain saturated fat or cholesterol. However, these vegetables are rich in dietary fiber, antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. Low-calorie foods and fiber-rich vegetables are often recommended by dietitians to maintain cholesterol and lose weight. .

Selain memberikan nutrisi, labu siam mungkin juga memberikan beberapa manfaat bagi kesehatan. Teh herbal yang dibuat dengan daun labu siam bermanfaat untuk menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi, melarutkan batu ginjal, dan mengobati aterosklerosis atau pengerasan pembuluh darah arteri. Teh yang mengandung daging labu siam memiliki sifat diuretik ringan, dan digunakan untuk mengobati penyakit kembung.

In addition to providing nutrients, the siamese pumpkin may also provide some health benefits. Herbal teas made with pumpkin leaves are useful for lowering high blood pressure, dissolving kidney stones, and treating atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. Tea containing Siamese pumpkin has mild diuretic properties, and is used to treat bloating.

Pumpkin has a fairly good potassium. 100g of fresh siamese pumpkin fruit contains about 125 mg of potassium or 2.5% of recommended daily requirement. Potassium is particularly useful to counteract the effects of sodium, which if too much can cause high blood pressure.

Another content that is owned by siamese pumpkin, ie antioxidant phenyolic poly flavonoids, such as apigenin and luteolin. This compound is useful to bind to harmful free radicals in the body, which play a role in the formation of cancer, premature aging, and various diseases.


Siamese pumpkin contains a lot of sap. So, you should wear protective gloves when peeling, or by peeling while under cold water. Avoid old stock, because in general the squash grows early.

Also, be sure to pick a fruit whose surface is free of holes, cracks, or bruises. However a small shallow scratch lesion or light bruise that may be visible on the surface does not matter. Store in paper or in a vegetable compartment in the refrigerator with enough moisture. Generally can be stored up to 2-3 weeks. Fruits that are quite old and large generally tend to grow fast, so as soon as possible to be processed.


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