Benefits And Efficacy Contained In Bay Leaves For Body Health

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Laurel tree is a plant that usually grows a lot around the yard or home garden yard. laurel tree or commonly used bay leaf is also known in the benefits since antiquity, namely as a sweet flavour enhancer in every dish. There have been many official researchers about bay leaves that claim that the content contained in bay leaves has a lot of benefits that may never before you know. Gynecology in bay leaves commonly called fitonutrien, this substance has a major role that is efficacious to treat diabetes, colesterol, uric acid and also lowers high blood pressure.

In addition, the leaves are included in this type of spice can also be used as a medicine for abdominal pain, diarrhea, maag akud, until there is also used as a toothpaste. So, no doubt that the benefits of bay leaves not only as a spice kitchen only. For those of you who are very hobby of cooking, would already know the benefits of dry bay leaves as a flavoring dish. But, did you know that there are types of bay leaves that grow wildly have a bad smell and taste bitter enough?

The content of the full bay leaves will benefit

  • Extracts of ethanol for anti-bacterial and anti-fungal
  • Methanol extract as anti worm substance
  • Vitamin C and B complex useful for lowering uric acid levels
  • Flavonoids, tannins and essential oils are chemicals contained in bay leaves
  • Essential oils containing methyl kavikol and eugenol

Tips Choosing a bay leaf as a traditional medicine

  • For bay leaves that have been dried: Choose a bay leaf that is not perforated and not easily broken
  • For fresh bay leaves: Choose a leaf surface rather wide, green, bright and fresh.

Some of the benefits of bay leaf for health

1. Leaf salutation can make clean white teeth

One other benefit of bay leaves is as a traditional toothpaste, toothpaste made with herbal ingredients proved to be used to whiten yellow teeth, take the dried bay leaves then mix the dried orange peel as well, after that puree with how to pound then mix both with enough water. Mix well until it is shaped like a toothpaste. Toothpaste leaves can be used for you every time you brush your teeth.

2. For the treatment of diabetes

To treat diabetes, how to provide 7 to 15 leaves mixed with 3 glasses of water after that boiled until the remaining 1 cup only, if it is, strain the leaves of bay leaves and wait until the temperature is cold after it can be drunk at once before eating. Drink the decoction of bay leaves twice a day regularly so that the efficacy of bay leaves can be absorbed by the body.

3. Can help treat diarrhea naturally

In addition to the leaves and guava fruit, it turns out the bay leaves are also useful for treating diarrhea pain. The trick is simply provide 15 sheets of fresh bay leaves then boiled with a dose of two glasses of water or equivalent 300ml boiled water to boiling, then add a little salt into the bay leaves stew and wait until it cools. Drink the cooking water until it runs out to diarrhea immediately improved.

4. Benefits bay leaves for diet

For those of you who have problems with excess weight, you can try the diet from bay leaves. Way, wash as many as 20 to 30 pieces of bay leaves then boiled with 4 glasses of water. If it is left about 2 cups, lift and wait until cool. Drinking regularly 2 times a day for morning and evening each of 1 glass.

5. Benefits of bay leaf for uric acid

Benefits of bay leaf for the last health for uric acid medicine, The trick is to provide 10 sheets of dried laurel leaves, wash until clean selected bay leaves, boiled bay leaves to treat gout should use panic or kettles. Take 10 bay leaves that have been washed clean, boiled with 700ml water, then let boiling boiling water until the remaining approximately 1/3 of its course. Strain the water of bay leaves, and drink while the water is still warm.

6. Helps reduce diabetes and cholesterol

To help lower cholesterol and diabetes the way is quite easy, just provide 10-15 fresh bay leaves, then wash thoroughly, then pour water about 3 cups water after it boiled until the remaining 1 cup of boiled laurel leaves. If it is cold filtered boiled water and immediately drink at once at night. Do it regularly so that cholesterol or diabetes can recover quickly.

7. Helps lower blood pressure

The trick is enough to provide 7 to 10 sheets of fresh bay leaves, then boiled with 3 cups of water until remaining 1 cup. If it is cold, strain and for boiling bay leaves to 2 cups, drink twice a day to help lower blood pressure.

8. Leaf salutation to treat acute ulcer

For those of you who have an ulcer problem, you can take advantage of bay leaves as natural remedies.How to wash fresh leaves fresh greetings 15 - 20 pieces. Boil with 500ml water dose for 15 minutes or until boiling, then add palm sugar to taste. After stew water bay leaves cool, drink the water until it runs out. And do this routinely every day until the perceived burning sensation goes away and improves.

Well, That's Some of the benefits and efficacy of bay leaf for health and how to treat it ... May be useful for you all. Thank you for reading my post. Do not forget to follow @adetanlus and upvote my post.

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