Traditional watering VS Waterways.

#Helloworld. today I'd like to talk to everyone about "traditional watering" VS Waterways. Let's take a look at two different Hemp Kush plants with different watering techniques.
Here is the healthy specimen {above.} This plant has received almost 24 hour watering for 2 whole days despite the hot weather. Wait ... wouldn't that kill the plant? The trick is this Hemp kush plant is watered by waterways which are lower down under the plant and off to the side {below.}

You can see the plant at the bottom of the picture {below} if you look carefully. Notice the distance and depth difference between the waterway and the hemp.
Look at this monster raspberry bush by the waterway!
Here you can see my simple system of two pieces of plywood between a rock which is above the ground. I simply let the water from the hose flow out around the plant to see where I should build the waterways.
Here you can see the back side of the Raspberry bush. you can see theres a lot of spill-off of water downward. The plants that got watered all day for 2 days hardly look sun damaged. INTERESTING. You can see off to the sides where there are vegetables and hemp growing it is dry on the ground.
Here is the "bad" Hemp Kush sample that has been watered normally. {Watering the ground for a few minutes and letting it dry up... Avoiding the heat of the day etc. This plant is much smaller, droopy and yellowish green. YIKES. This plant does not look healthy. Exact same strain. Different watering technique. Quite the difference.


Plants in the garden require complex watering in order to flourish {without bottled nutrients.} The best watering system is something under the plants growing level or underground completely. Early veg they need surface watering. After a certain age they should get a LOT of underground watering. The roots need to grow downward and surface watering seems to be bad for vegging plants. Use low down waterways or pipes to water underground. Watering underground seems to cause less sun fry.

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