It's been a while, hasn't it?

Life has been a little tough here lately - I'm not going to lie. I'm coming out of a bit of a depressive funk, and I'm working my way back to feeling half human again. The weather hasn't helped my gloomy mood, but some exercise, gardening, and hearty meals are a consolation.

Soxita wasn't sleeping well with me, and has developed diabetes. I've moved her back to the ex's house, in town, so that if there's an emergency she can be well taken care of, as opposed to dying in my arms on an island where ferry service stops at night. I've had some serious emotional issues with that, and with other things. I hate dealing with my emotions, and so of course they build up until a meltdown happens. Divorce is tough, but I'm tougher.


On the plus side ... flowers are starting to pop up in the yard! I've had daffodils, snowdrops, and now tulips. Columbines will be up soon, as will the peonies. Renting a space is kind of nice, because I get to enjoy all the hard work someone else has done!

I'll be back in full force, here soon.
Totally still alive, just completely heart-broken for a while.

Love y'all! <3 <3

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