Planning Out Your Garden: Things To Consider NOW

Gardening Season Is Almost Here- Garden Plans Need To Be Finalized


Image Source- Flickr

Using Containers, Buckets & Tri-Pods For Space Allotment Concerns


Image Source- Flickr

Like many other gardeners, whether urban suburban or just smaller property size, I have an issue with what I want to grow versus what I actually have room to grow. If I could I would have ten varieties of tomatoes, a larger assortment of peppers, more herbs than the local health food store sells and rows upon rows of corn, cabbage and other vegetables. Heck, I'd even be adding fruit and nut trees to the collection just for good measure.

Oh, and let's not forget about the wide array of lettuce, spinach and flowers.

Nut, alas, I only have 1/3 of an acre of land to work with. Which is a HUGE hindrance for me. So this coming season I am planning on becoming the neighborhood container lady. We've all heard of the proverbial cat lady comments; and I want to coin the Container Lady label.

Plants I will be growing in containers and buckets:

  • Tomatoes
  • Peppers
  • ? (not yet determined)


Image Source- Flickr

Plants I'm planning in using a tri-pod like vine growing tool are:

  • Cucumbers
  • Luffa
  • Pole green beans
  • Summer (yellow) squash
  • Zucchini
  • Eggplant

Plants in raised container beds will be:

  • Lettuce, Spinach & other various greens
  • Cabbage
  • Onions and garlic
  • Potatoes


Image Souce- Flickr

Companion Gardening & Plants


Image Source- Common Wikimedia

Knowing what plants grow well and which ones you should not plant near others is crucial to a good harvest, lowering potential pest concerns and having a better outcome. Everyone knows to plant basil near, or in between tomato plants, but did you know you shouldn't plant sunflowers near garlic and onions?

Doing your research ahead of time then plotting out where which plant will go is something every gardener needs to know.

Resources About Companion Planting:

From Window Box


Image Source

Seeds: Picking What To Grow & What Varieties


_Image Source- Commons Wikimedia

While I am new to full-fledged gardening, I have not been able to successfully attempt saving my seeds from previous gardens and harvests. This year I will be working on that goal and skill.

I have been only purchasing heirloom seeds all along; so I am confident I will be able to do this once the season is coming to an end in 2018.

Hybrid Seeds

  • Don't breed true
  • Not guaranteed to reproduce season to season
  • May need to be hand pollinated
  • Possible smaller yields

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