Volleyball Skills and Dance, Physical Education Homeschooling Blog, Grade 8


Volleyball is a team sport, with six rotating players, separated from the other team by a high net. However a casual game can include any number of players. Players are set in 2-3 rows. Generally games will include 9 innigs, with 3 servers per team per inning. You can only score a point when it is your team's serve.

A volleyball court or play area must include boundary lines that mark out of bounds. The server will serve the ball from just outside the rear boundary line.

Rules of the game

  • Don't let the ball hit the floor on your side of the net.
  • There are 3 contacts/hits allowed per side before the ball is returned to the other side of the net.
  • Your aim is to have the ball hit the floor on the other side of the net inbounds.
  • Players must rotate through all positions upon each new serve.
  • The net is off limits
  • No player can hit the ball twice in succession
  • The ball cannot be held.
  • A block is not considered a hit
  • A serve may not be blocked.
  • Balls may be served underhand or overhand.
  • Games are played to 25 and a win must be by at least two points

Basic Skills

  • serving
  • underhand
  • float
  • jump
  • top spin
  • passing
  • forearm pass
  • overhand pass
  • setting

  • blocking

  • hitting(spiking)

Skills video

Skills Video

Volleyball Dance for the less team sport inclined.

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