The (Mostly) True Memoirs of a (Not-So) Average High-Schooler

Well, it has been a long day indeed. Woke up this morning to find the lid blown clean off one of our Chicken Tractors. We have chickens. Like 90 of them. And they live in three main pens currently, 2 small and one large. The small hold about 25 chickens, the large 35-40, so we have plenty of room for all of our chickens. Unless, of course, theres a storm and the big one just blows away.

No problem, nothing much happening today, pick up a few supplies, and get to work nice and early, right? Well, no. See we run a food pantry, pick up outdated food from a local pantry, and turn around and give it to friends and neighbors who could use it. Today we were apparently getting a delivery, AND a new guy came to get some. A pastor, for his church to be specific. So here we are, trying to build a roof, plus finding out way the pickup isnt here yet, plus taking care of the baby who didnt sleep well. 

Two hours later...

Finally. Back to work. Those people took ages lol. Got to find all my tools again. And measure, saw, square up, drill, screw, check, repeat. Its not too bad when you get to be left alone. Just me and Spotify. Its pretty nice honestly. I mean, I am literally with people, lots of people, all day long, so its pretty sweet to have some alone time. Plus, the next thirty minutes are ad free. Bonus. Thanks following sponsor.

Finally I got it done. It looked really great, and I added another latch just to make sure it wouldnt happen again. Perfect. I clean up the  old screws, drill, measuring tape, screwdriver bits, all that, had to make sure it was put away perfect, as we had recently cleaned out the garage and mom would shoot me if I so much as left out a screw. No problem, all put away, and it looks fantastic. I drag myself inside, take off my shoes.....Crud. Totally forgot about the animals. Well stink. I put my shoes back on, turned Spotify back on, and went to take care of the farm. 

We currently have 90(ish) chickens, a goat, and nine cats. You have to give them all food and water, and move the goat and chicken tractors to fresh grass. We do our chickens sort of funny. The bottoms of the pens are open, so they just are on grass. Supposed to be super good for them, but we have to move them every day. They also are free range, so I always go out at sunset and lock the pens. Otherwise they get eaten. Not that that's too sad, ;) but they are worth something. 

Anyway, I finished, about 30 minutes later, come back inside again, and find salad for dinner. Seriously. I mean, dont get me wrong, I like salad, but after you been working all day, it is not satisfying. Mmmm, pretty delicious though. I made myself a protein shake after dinner, showered, and finished up the kitchen clean up. 8 people can mess up that kitchen better'n a herd of elephants I'm pretty sure. Man, there was more salad on that floor than was in the bowl to begin with. They should do magic acts. 

After that, I checked email, it was about 8:30. And watched an hour of TV with mom. Its sort of a tradition now. We just recently finished "The Flash" and it was awesome. I love the clean cut, good vs bad shows. Then, around 9:30 I headed to bed. I sleep on a top bunk without a pillow. Don't ask me why, I just like the bare mattress. 


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