Xtrodinary Homeschool Progress- tell me how we are doing!!!

This is our first year homeschooling and I can honestly say I am not sure how I feel about it yet. I know Devdan is loving the freedom and lack of structure. I am still trying to convince myself that it is okay if we spend time doing a puzzle instead of practicing our sight words. A few days ago Dhara and I put together a puzzle and glued it with puzzle glue. Now puzzles are all the rage in this house. I know our nearest Dollar Store has quite the collection of puzzles so I loaded up the 4 kids and off we went. That experience within itself is another post, lol! This Dollar Store has some great teaching tools so I picked up a few extra items.

What are some fun educational things you do with your home schoolers???

Devdan picked out this one for his first puzzle.

I helped him a little but mostly just talked him through organized thinking and grouping to make the task seem not so overwhelming. He did great!

I never knew this amazing product existed! It's so easy to use!!!

These are a major Dollar Store score!!!! Phases of the butterfly transition!

Learning a little about the world. We did some comparison here.
Houston is 627 square miles with a little more than 2 million people and Mexico City is 573 square miles with over 21 million people!!!!!!!! craaaaazy!!!!

Learning to tell time.

Compound words

We have been trying some easy science and it doesn't get any easier than this. The celery experiment is done by placing a stalk of celery in each color water and seeing what happens. Devdan's prediction is that the celery will turn the color of the water it is in.

From this mom to all you moms out there... The struggle is real. This little girl would not let me put her down. It took 3 times longer to write this post because she is clingy whiny today.

It takes a village.

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