Join with me on an UNSCHOOLED adventure!

Hello everyone!

Hope you are as excited as we are for the Unschooled Adventures campaign to be nearing close!

And boy, has it been a success!

We’ve hit over 600 percent of goal and it’s looking like we’ll have a great turnout for this first story.

That said, we could really use your help getting the word out as we near the last day this February 29th.

The more support we have, the better we’re able to move forward on creating the next issue and expanding the universe.

If you would please, share the campaign here:

around to your social media and to anyone else who may be interested, whether it’s a homeschool group, friends, or family.

Feel free to pick up extra copies as well if you want to give the book as a gift, donate it to a library, or share it with a homeschool co-op.

In thanks to you, if we hit the 4K mark, we will add a BONUS goodie to your perk pack in celebration.

Let’s make this a win-win and round out the first Unschooled Adventures campaign so we can help inspire others to free their children from the toxicity of public schools.
Thank you so much for your generous support and for believing in us.

In liberty,

Jack & Pho ^^

Campaign link:

P.S. Be sure to also check out the book preview stream we did where we read the first 3 pages over at:


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