Our Waldorf Homeschool Daily Rhythm Chart

Ever since visiting the beautiful Tamarack Waldorf School in Wisconsin, I wanted to re-create a rhythm structure to replace the sometimes hectic demands of a normal schedule. I didn't know where to start really, so I downloaded the Christopherus Curriculum on Kindergarten and immediately began reading. I finished the book in one day, and downloaded the two hour long talks on their website, 'The Classroom at home' and 'Kindergarten in the Waldorf Method'. Both talks are an hour long, and I listened to them in bits while folding laundry during the lessons.

Here is what we have now.

he is rinsing dishes here



Monday, art Tuesday, movement, Wednesday, handwork, Thursday- Family rest day, Friday-Reading together(we read together everyday, but we are always reading chapter books. Right now we are reading Celtic Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs. It is a wonderful winter book. Saturday is handwork, music, or art. Sunday is a free play day, and it is my primary day of work. I have the planet the day is associated with, along with the color on each circle of the week

Now, whenever Little Light wakes up and asks me, "Mama, what are we doing today?" I can point to a picture and he knows just what we are doing, the activity for the day, and around when it will happen. The routine does not need to happen in a specific order, and all things can be restructured, which is why I love it so much. We also have lots of outdoor time and I get outside at least twice a day with Little L.

Our nightime routine consists of bath time, a bit of stretching or 15 mins of playtime, settling into bed and saying a verse which is:

"Oh, dream faeries come to us
Oh, dream faeries stay with us
Here, dream faeries come
Bringing dreams to you"
Then I 'sparkle fingers' over him, and sprinkle the happy dreams on him.
He has recently begun sprinkling happy dreams on me too and it is very cute. I recommend this, as it will make your heart swell 2x it's size and you'll never be a grinch again a day in your life.

Okay maybe kind of a stretch there but it's so adorable and awesome!

We also sometimes do this one

A star for you to wish on (trace a star on forehead)
The sun for warmth and light (trace a sun)
The moon for you to think on (trace a half moon)
Sweet dreams
A hug and kiss goodnight. (give a hug and kiss)

And his father and I have our own secret verse we share with him before we sleep.

I have some handwork projects we are working on that I would like to share soon. Take care, until next time.

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