This girl's Mom, and Colloidal Silver, saved her leg from amputation!

This beautiful girl is Ruth, and she lives in Kenya. She had a step at school break, and she cut her leg. It infected down to the Bone, and the Doctors were going to cut it off! She is 15 years old, and needs that leg, so we started working on it with colloidal silver! The antibiotics were not touching the problem, but he Mother is a Nurse (which means she is stubborn), and was willing to fight this. Her Mom worked on her leg all the time she was not at work, for weeks. This infection subsided, and her wound began to shrink. The Doctors still wanted to cut it off, but her Mom is tougher than ANY Doctor! It has taken six + months, but the wound is 90% closed, and healing well! WAY TO GO MOM! Colloidal Silver works better today than most antibiotics, because the resistant bacteria, has Zero resistance to Ionic or Colloidal Silver!

Ruths new dress.jpg

Her Mother just sent me this picture. This is Ruth in a new dress to celebrate! She is one special child, and is going to be a special woman, I am sure! I am SO proud of them Both!

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