HOLYBREAD Hero Event Kick-off! Bread on Sale!

We are proud to announce our 1st Event!
This Event will run from:
UTC 11:00PM Friday 6/5/2020 until UTC 11:00PM on Sunday 6/7/2020.
This Event introduces Variable Power Hero's.


Hero's enter the game through the Recruit tab (think of this as your Hero's going out and finding younger hero's to train) and randomly through Quests. When we acquired HolyBread the Recruit tab had not worked for sometime. According to our analytics most players don't even click this button.

@buddy.nole did some amazing work and got this bug squashed, however players were still not clicking on recruit. Most players were just going about and playing the game the same way they played 2 months ago.

So we took on the challenge of why players were not recruiting new hero's and why hero's where not selling on the marketplace. We have a plan to address this and today's event is the first step towards that goal.

We are going to have the recruit tab REFRESH EVERY HOUR with new Hero's. In the past hero's had set powers, but we have added variable powers.


Players still need bread to recruit these hero's. So we did a breadcrumb to bread exchange for players. If you still feel you need more bread we have cut the price of bread.

Since we are still on the Steem Blockchain we wanted to give players a good use for what little liquid steem they have left.

These prices will not change until we move to HIVE. So between now and then bread is at an all time low, its a good time to stock up.
To clarify we will be adjusting these prices when we move to HIVE.
ON that note. If you are off of steem and want to buy bread with HIVE. During this event you can transfer HIVE to @simplegame with memo: Hero Event and it will be at the rate of 1 Hive for 5 Bread.

To support this even further. We are going to do another bread give away like we did before. To enter you have to 100% upvote this post and comment. Everytime 6 comments are made we will randomly roll and give out 50 bread.

We want to start introducing Lore into the game. During the event I will release a Lore post about the event.

Q: What happens to Hero's after this event?
A: These new Hero's become the hero's that will be entering the game from this point forward.

Q: Why should I get them now then?
A: After this Event the Recruit page will only update every 72 hours and Hero's will no longer spawn during quests.

Q: These changes seem drastic, what are you guys thinking?
A: We don't feel they are drastic, we feel they will bring more variety to Hero's Choices and the underlying code base will help us when we role out the new classes (Barbarian & Bard)

So if you haven't played Holybread in awhile or haven't played at all. We would love for you to take this journey with us.

Also stop by the discord and chat with the team.

Thanks for playing

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