New Holozing creature reveal!

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Welcome to a new series where we'll be revealing new creatures in the Holozing roster as they get finalized by artists working on our project.

Our newest addition is a normal-type cat creature called Miu! This one comes in 2 additional evolutions and will be one of the first creatures healers will be able to capture within the game.


It will be able to evolve into Miumiu as players train and level Miu up. We will be a bit more imaginative in the future with the naming but we think for this one it fits well.


Lastly as some of you may have guessed, Miumiu will evolve into its last form called Miumiumiu! This will be a fun one to hear people say out loud!


Normal type means this creature will be able to learn a lot of normal type moves but is also open to learning and being taught certain moves of different types over time and with level requirements. Normal-type is also quite neutral to a lot of different types meaning the creature will be able to take quite a lot of damage that won't hurt it much, it has after all 9 lives! ;)

We will be revealing new creatures as they're being finalized, soon thereafter we will also open up to the community for suggestions and potentially pick some good ones. Keep an eye out for that in our Discord and future posts!

Let us know what you think of Miu, this creature was inspired by the founder's cat with the same name, but we've been told that he won't let his cuteness affect any more game-related decisions down the road. :P

Stay tuned by following us on Hive @holozing

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Post rewards as always sent to @zingtoken for further funding of the project.

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