My Final Round Entry for Laura Lemons Art Contest - #Surrender.

I've had some really top notch competition in this, and I'm amazed that I made it through to the final round.


I'm extra fond of my 360/VR camera. My mate @exploreadelaide is a magician with his, and I'm hoping to recruit the instagrammer who got us onto this particular camera.
We're tagging this type of shot as #tinyplanet.

I want to take this opportunity to talk about Laura Lemons a little

For those unaware, she was an enthusiastic, talented participant in our little community until a few months ago; when loneliness, isolation, and a chronic, debilitating medical condition took her from us.
She was a great artist. Wracked with insecurities, as many artists are; but great nevertheless, and a very generous person.

I particularly like the profile picture she drew for me.

She was quite taken with her VR goggles, which prompted me to investigate shooting things like the Adelaide meetup with a VR camera, and lead to this entry.

I wish she'd have been able to join us virtually as I originally envisaged, snatching her out of that damn room for half an hour, and zapping her over to Australia for a bbq with her friends.

This place has the potential to do wonders for isolated, lonely people like Laura.
Trolls are virtually non-existent, and tipping a stranger a few cents, or eventually a few dollars is a great way to improve one's mood

You don't know what issues or trials others are enduring, so it's important to always be kind.
I recently rediscovered the last conversation Laura and I had, and although I had no idea it was the last time we'd speak; I'm really glad I chose the words I did.
After careful consideration, I've decided to share it here.




She had a fantastic sense of humour, and I'm sure she'd be cool that I've shared this with the rest of her friends in the community; particularly as a reminder to always be kind.

Thanks, Holoz0r for a great competition.
May the best entrant win :)

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