Hollow Earth

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Edmond Halley was an English astronomer, geophysicist, mathematician, meteorologist, and physicist from England born in the mid 1600s. He constructed his own observatory and discovered Halley’s comet, which is now named after him. And now that you have an idea of how smart this dude is, I’d like to add that he also believed the earth is hollow.


Because of anomalous compass readings that couldn’t be explained by the current model of Earth, he theorized that the world must be a series of spheres within spheres, or shells, all spinning in different directions which surrounded a central core. He also theorized that between each shell was a luminous atmosphere capable of supporting life. Later scientists like Leonhard Euler and Sir John Leslie proposed that the central core was a small sun.

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However, John Cleves Symmes Jr. is probably the one most responsible for this theory’s popularity. In 1818 he published Circular No. 1, a letter in which he declared the Earth was hollow and full of life and vegetation. According to Symmes, there are two entrances to the earth’s interior, one at the North Pole and another at the South Pole. His message was so popular, he was able to convince Congress to vote on funding for an expedition to the North Pole. Supposedly the expedition would prove his theories are facts. However, the vote did not turn out in his favor.

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Later in the 1800s many science fiction writers starting using the hollow earth model as a basis for their writings. Stories like A Journey to the Center of the Earth and The Goddess of Atvatabar became wildly successful. Could the hollow earth theory explain the many ancient myths that speak of an underworld? Dante’s Inferno describes Hell as being made up of multiple layers which he calls circles.


The concept of Hell isn’t just a Christian thing either. Muslims have Jahannam, Aztecs have Mictlan, Vikings have Helheim, and Hindus and Buddhists have many different versions. The Greeks had Tartarus, but above Tartarus was another underworld, Hades, which wasn’t as bad, and apparently one could get there from the many entrances on the surface world. In fact, Greek heros used to adventure there all the time. Can we still find these entrances? Besides the poles, some conspiracy theorists believe places like Mt. Shasta, the Giza Pyramids, and even the Himalayan Mountains contain portals leading to the world within.


French occultist Alexandre Saint-Yveswas the first “reliable source” to claim there was entrances to a subterranean realm called Agartha in the Himalayas. However, Tibetan Buddhists had been talking about such a place for a much longer time. According to their myths, there is a secret kingdom somewhere deep in the mountains, and the kingdom is ruled over by Maitreya, a fully enlightened being. Supposedly the monks built their monasteries there because they are guarding its entrances.

In Hindu mythology, there’s a place called Patala. It’s described as being the seventh layer of the underworld. It’s also said to be ruled by the nagas, a half human half serpent race of beings. I find this super odd considering all the stories I hear about reptilian aliens living underground. Some conspiracy theorists claim that the US government has military bases miles deep beneath the ground. Philip Schneider, geologist and underground construction expert, claimed to have worked at one in Dulce, New Mexico.


Supposedly reptilian aliens resided there and experimented on humans, which the military allowed. As crazy as it sounds, Philip Schneider “suicided” after giving many lectures on the matter where he clearly stated he would never kill himself. Are the underworld and the underground bases somehow connected?

But back to the Himalayas. Coincidentally, the Nazis also made a trip there. Did the Nazis believe the earth was hollow? Some say Hitler planned to escape there. There’s even evidence to suggest this. Even crazier is the fact that there are records documenting their experiments testing to see if the world was actually concave!


Personally, I don’t think the worlds concave, hollow, flat, or any of that. I honestly believe we’re living inside a simulation. But who knows! Thanks for reading.

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