My defence of the ancient Hollow Earth theory of what lies beneath (vs the current popular Flat Earth theory)


OK I know that to a degree everything is down to our own perception, but there is something about the current relentlessness of this flat earth movement that is disturbing me, and is taking attention from a passion of mine, which is the 'Hollow Earth' theory.

Essentially I believe the Earth to be like a ship moving through space, and as it is a 3 dimensional sphere, it makes sense that this space contains something of relevance, like any vessel.

The Earth is surely FULL of life, inside and out.

What we see, i.e. life on the surface of the Earth may just be a fraction of the myriad of worlds that are contained within it.

It is all about vibration.

I believe there are many layers to our reality on Earth, maybe 7, which would works well with the 7 vibrations of life, like in the Chakras, maybe 9, like the 9 worlds of the 'Yggdrasil' world tree in Norse mythology, perhaps 10 as it is in the Qabalistic Tree of Life, or it maybe many more as suggested in Quantum Physics, however, what is clear is that this space that we call Earth is potentially full of worlds within worlds.


There are countless stories of the Otherworld across the world where many beings live such as the Elves and the Faerie dwell, who have chosen to leave this dimension of the material plane, perhaps because mankind became too violent. There are even stories, and physical evidence (which keeps mysteriously getting 'lost') that we went to war with the ancient races, popularly known as the Nephilim.

I wonder whether the aggression we see on the planet , e.g. in the form of everything needing to eat everything else to survive, is merely a reflection of our own inner state of consciousness, and should we choose to co-exist in peace then quite a different level of reality, and also beings might show up.


I believe that many races have gone before us, be they the Tuatha De-Danann (Or Sidhe) God-Kings of Ireland, the Gods of Ancient Egypt such as Thoth, or the Feathered Serpent beings of the Americas (e.g. Quetzalcoatl/Veracocha), and they have not left this Earth, they have simply left this dimension.

They speak to us from within the Earth through crop circles, visions and dreams.

The message is that we are all one, and that even if we think we are separate, what we do here, effects them there.

The more that we begin to reclaim our sense of vision and perception to include the possibility of other realities that may well intersect our own, the more this may begin to manifest in our lives, and within the collective psyche.

I would be keen to hear if any of you have had experiences of other realities and entities. I feel that now is an important time to speak of these things, should we not wish to repeat the past, and destroy life on Earth, and have to start all over again like we did millennia ago.

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In addition to the inter-dimensional nature of our planet, I now want to share a little about my beliefs about the Hollow Earth theory in relation to the physical Earth, and what may lie beneath.

We have all been led to believe that we know the composition of the Earth, but the reality is that we have only ventured but a few miles into a planet that is 4000 miles from the crust to the centre. What is actually contained within the Earth is really a great mystery. However, I reassert my claim that it makes more sense to think of the Earth as a container, rather than to think that this huge planet is here simply to breathe life into the surface, a mere fraction of its totality.

Science has recently discovered that there is water deep inside the Earth, the deepest they have found is 1000km down, a third of the way to the Earth's core!. They do not know how much water there is, but it is a lot. Conservative estimates say there is at least as much water inside the Earth than there is in all our seas and oceans, others theorise it could be many times greater!

Take a moment to think about this, oceans inside the Earth many times greater than all of oceans that encompass the Earth's surface!

They had no idea that this was the case until the last few years.

There really could be anything down there.

One thing we do know, is that where there is water, there is life. So it stands to reason that the inner Earth is full of life, hitherto undreamed of.

It also makes sense that there would be a symbiotic relationship between our oceans and those within the Earth, as there would be between us and whatever life lies beneath.

Many stories exist across the ages of 'Sea-People' who have come up to the surface to teach mankind. Could it be that Atlantis is still down there?

It feels that the key to accessing these realms could be the poles, which are frozen over. Why is that nobody is allowed to fly over the poles? Admiral Byrd did many years ago, and he claims to have seen vast lands beyond the North Pole.

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Stories exist of a central sun within the Earth powering the Earth, these lands, and these other races, e.g. Shambala/Shangri-la.

I feel we could be suffering from 'Plato's Cave' syndrome, unable to fathom that there is a far greater reality just beyond the edge of our current perceptual parameters.

It is time to open our eyes, to dissolve our addiction to mundane perception, and problem solving consciousness, and start to wonder again of the magic and mystery waiting to return to us...

May peace prevail on Earth, as above, so below.


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