COINiverse explorer #01 - Holistic Chain

For start i would like to say i am blessed and excited to be alive in this web 3.0 era i wait for it and work on it for long time exactly from beginnings of 2.0 :), and only thing i could say it is been beautiful journey and to witness this proliferation and acceptance of this decentralize and distributed web is something what start my day with smile, i dream electric ships silicon is my body, interface is my vision, code is my brain and holistic is my hart - "Holistic - All encompassing view based on the knowledge of the nature, functions, and properties of the components, their interactions, and their relationship to the whole."


So i think you all know what is Crypto currency! in short for those who don"t its digital cash, an epic ultimate way of exchange any goods and services using P2P method or protocol this concept solely removes the need for intermediaries like banks from currency equation its that simple but disruptive to the bone.

Why i call this first post "Holistic Chain"!? its because blockchain technology and crypto currency in general are fundamentaly forged from this holistic idea for the world of tomorrow we all want and our kids to live, it was natural and subtle way for this communication evolution to emerge and mangle its way thru the field of graves and ashes of old greedy corp conglomerates and bank gigant's which sole purpose ware in respect but bitter! to supercharge the development of this new paradigm shift, in some way we the society ware pushed to rethink and revive every chain of how we menage our society from economy in general to governance, we have the chance for the first time to build collaborative economy future, sustainable culture where we will be incentivized to do good to nature to our self to fix things behind the curtain of greed and all sorts of false masks, place where we will think locally and act globally, this is pivotal moment in history, where the future generation will say this is where the tesla vision of future has started

For those who don't know what is this steemit platform, it is social network like reddit where your content is reworded by every user of steemit who like/upvote this with crypto currency call Steemit in short on conventional pages like youtube and others 90% of money generated thru network effect - share, like, goes to them here everything is distributed to users who participirate with content so join be the part of media evolution 😉 don't forget to upvote if you like what you reed 😃

My name is Branimir Bence i am Entrepreneur tech enthusiast, designer and developer, Founder of blockchain project Revive (early stage concept) and founder of content awareness pages on FB New Edge Optimist and Change start from within

Se you at #02 inspire.. and be inspired..

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