December 3 Update: Random SBI Chance, 10 SP reached, Growth, Delegation Expiring

After all those developmental updates, this should be a breath of fresh air. Its December already and a lot of work has been done to make @hoist better.

First, we have a website. is the official hoist website. You can check out our most recent post as well as recommend new users for hoist through the site.

Secondly, a new feature has been implemented onto hoist that randomly awards users with a SBI share. It does that when voting for a post to ensure that the member is active as well. Hoist needs to have a minimum of 1 STEEM in it's balance to be able to sponsor the author. Three shares have already been giving out with this method. It is currently at a 10% chance to get awarded a share, but that will get reduced down slowly to 0.5% with time and voting quantity.

Thirdly we've reached 10 owned SP. That doesn't mean much of a vote right now, but having started out a month ago with just 1 SP, its a major improvement. I hope to be able to buy some STEEM soon for hoist as the price is very low, but don't know if I'm able to afford it. Whatever the case, the growth will help us.

We also have been gifted a delegation from the minnow booster marketplace by @rishi556 which is set to expire soon. We will attempt to renew it if my funds allow for it, but I paid for the server so I don't think it'll be possible this month. I'll attempt to work with private sources for delegations during this time.

Staring the third week of December, I'll be on and off so @rishi556 will be doing most of the updates. That means that new user selection will be done at a lot slower pace as I'm the one who does that.

The post earnings will be used towards the random SBI shares, MB delegation market rental, growth, and paying for server as well as developmental work.

Current Information:

Monthly Server Fees - $3.49 (Paid for by me)
Funds Raised To Cover Costs - $0
Current Steem Power- 11.947
Current Received Steem Power - 711.041
(Accurate to post time)

Savings goal: 20 STEEM for a MB delegation of 1000 SP for 1 month. Savings had: 0 STEEM.

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