Bigish Update Today

Rarely has an update a week come out. But today, this is the second update. Isn't that wonderful.

Today, the bot has been updated to be better. It should be a little bit faster(won't matter for now as main thing setting us back is the SP in the account) and less posts should be missed when voting(it previously voted alphabetically causing users who's names began with the last couple of letters of the alphabet to be voted less often), as well as targeting value properly. While you won't see much, the changes are pretty amazing for the backend.

The bot wasn't fully written from scratch though, I repurposed chunks of another project so I was able to hammer it out in one day. After some light testing, I decided it was good enough to go live. A few things are missing from this one, and will continue to remain so for some time. This includes random chance of getting SBI units(currently don't have the funds for it), submitting posts to blissfish(same reason as SBI) and back tracking(bot will not vote previous posts after its been stopped for some time, just written differently so it won't do that). The first two will be coming back in the future. This isn't my 100% priority right now as I(@rishi556) am mostly working on @giftgiver, but will continue to try and add some users every week, mainly with suggestions from current members. The website has been taken down due to lack of use and costs associated with it, but I might bring it back up in the future if this project gains more traction.

Hopefully this creates a better environment for new users to get rewarded. If you have some people you'd like to recommend to the program, just put their name in the comments and I'll check it out.

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