Spring babies!


The seedlings are all popping out and thriving under the lights, the snow is melting fast and the horses are shedding like mad...but the best sign that spring arrived is very cute and cuddly!

The 1st 2 of the long awaited lambs arrived. Miss Phoebe had healthy mixed twins right on her due date in the wee hours of Wednesday morning. She proved that it's very important to continually check on mommas-to-be (especially 1st time mommas) as her boy was a bit big and tried to come out head 1st (sheep need to come out feet 1st or their shoulders get stuck)...it has been a few years since I've dealt with a tough dystocia, but with some re-arranging, stretching and some traction, I managed to get him out quickly followed by his sister. Meet Dottie and Peanut!

about 5 minutes old

Although they were all outside, both my horses were freaked out for 2 days - probably a combination of "something was born" smell and strange new sounds coming from the nursery stall. I finally let momma take the twins exploring to give Kegger a chance to figure things out

Momma is a bit sore (as am I...pulling babies on your knees is like power squats, weights and cardio all rolled into 1) but very happy with her new job...and has forgiven me for the indignities I put her through.

Now we play the waiting game as Miss Tippy's breeding date is a bit of a mystery...we think she has a few weeks to go. I see a few more sleepless nights in my future but worth it...because it really doesn't get much cuter than this

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