Indicate your interests on a CV

How to present the interests of your CV?

Interests are the last section of your CV and, despite the idea that it would be optional and/or of little use, it is actually very rewarding for the recruiter. Don't neglect it and make it an asset for your application.

Why indicate your interests on a CV?

In this section, you will draw up a list of your extra-curricular or extra-professional activities, your associative activities, your hobbies, your travels, etc.

First, the person in charge of recruitment only knows from you what is indicated on your CV, so they will look between the lines for as much information as possible to know you. This part about you outside the workplace tells her about your personality and character.

To explain to you in a "caricature" way, a candidate who indicates in his or her interests:

  • piano, climbing, painting... would rather be a solitary person who likes to evolve independently.

  • President of the BDE, football, volunteer in an association... refers more to a person who needs to be surrounded by a team.

Of course this is an extremist example, you can play piano and football! Nevertheless, your interests remain a gold mine for the recruiter.

See also: Discover free CV templates

How to select your interests?

The 4 areas of interest found in 85% of the CVs are: reading, cinema, music and jogging.

Every once in a while, everyone listens to music, reads and goes to the movies. Avoid these four ordinary and all-purpose activities as much as possible, and prefer those that will set you apart from the others. However, if these are really your hobbies, whether you eat three books a week or go to the movies several times a month, be sure to specify the nature and frequency of your hobby.

For some activities you can give details: the number of years practiced, your level, your associative role, etc.

Areas of interest to differentiate profiles

Moreover, when a human resources person receives two candidates who have about the same background (same type of school, same professional experience), he or she will ask them about their interests (this also applies to young graduates). In order to determine which profile could best suit and adapt to the life of the company and the missions entrusted in the proposed position.

To read: Is it better to have a classic CV or an original one?

Those who will have marked reading and cinema and who will vaguely explain that they go to the cinema twice a year will lose all their chances in front of the candidate who will have noted that they are president of a humanitarian association, for example.

This candidate will have demonstrated that when a project is close to his heart, he is able to invest himself and give his best, but that is what the recruiter is looking for. It must be noted that, with equal qualifications, the second candidate will be selected.

Anything in common with the recruiter?

Let's take another example: if you have put travel in your interests and the person in front of you loves to travel, he or she will ask you questions about it. The discussion will be based on your common passion, creating a real exchange between you. There is a good chance that out of the 5 candidates that the recruiter will have received during the day, your application will be the one that will have most marked him/her, and certainly the person with whom the affinities will have been created.

It is the same with an association (student or not), if the recruiter was a former member, it is possible that through networking and solidarity, your CV may be of particular interest to him/her.

Don't ever lie

It is important to put some interests that you can talk about fervently and above all not to lie. Let's say you're parachuting, because you've always dreamed of parachuting, but you've never jumped. The recruiter then starts to question you about this activity, asking you how many times you jumped, how many meters it takes to get started, etc. You answer when you don't know or worse, you invent and fall off. You have then lost all credibility with your interlocuteu you leave a bad first impression...

Don't invent yourself a life, be natural and passionate about what you do!

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