In my own understanding, self-denial is the habit of refusing to do what you like or enjoying doing because you cannot afford it or because you believe it is morally good for you not to do.
But in my case I could have afforded it and Its was also morally good for me to do, but I chose to do otherwise and it didn’t end well as expected


While I was still in school, my younger sister’s friend and course mate decided to through party, she was a friend to my roommate and was also a distant friend to me, She planned on throwing her birthday party outside school, in an hotel that wasn’t so close to the school environment, honestly I love my peace and quiet, I’m not really the party type , I don’t joke with my night sleep because I barely sleep in the afternoon.

On that particular day, the birthday girl came, and was invited us to attend, at first I told them that I didn’t want to attend because we didn’t even have money to book a room just in case something comes up, and I also told them that most of the parties that’s been thrown in the school or even out school usually ends in disaster because of all these cultist boys, they will end up fighting, but she said nothing like that was going to happen, my sister and our roommates said we should all attend because they were close friends with her, now I didn’t have a choice because I didn’t want to sleep in the room alone.

So I decided to join them, when it was time for the party, we all left to the venue, there was drinks, food, small chops, good music, the party was going smoothly, and we lost track of time, it was almost midnight, the school gate has already been locked by the security men. Immediately we started hearing some strange noise outside lounge, some boys from different cultist groups were fighting and some were beating up a female student, according to them that the girl stole a phone belonging to one of them, that was how the music stopped, the party was closed, we all went outside to see what was happening. Things started getting out of hand, so everybody decide to leave the hotel, we started walking on the lonely road without street lights, my friends and was lucky be caused at least we were very many walking on the road.

My roommate called her partner told him what happened, he shouted at her seriously for not letting him know that we were even going to a party, but he Immediately called some bike riders to come and pick us up, when we got to his house, I just looked for somewhere comfortable to lay my head on and crashed, when it was morning we went back to the hostel and I kept on telling them that I should have just followed my instincts and stayed back, Thank God someone came to our rescue and we were able to escape.


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