The Most Peaceful and Amazing Protest I Have Ever Seen - In Hong Kong , on 16th June


16th June, what Hong Kong people did for our city breaks the record. After the government still refusing to our request - to stop passing the law of extradition to China, 2 millions Hong Kong people went on the street and organized the most peaceful protest. This would be the biggest protest in Hong Kong’s history.

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'Tyranny' made all Hong Kong people united and connected. Since 1997, we seldom saw that Hong Kong people aim for the same goal together after China has been trying to differentiate us by laws, immigrations, educations etc.

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This definitely is one of the best moments we have ever seen. Whenever buses and ambulances wanted to pass, people were always separate and reopen the road for them. Hong Kong people are actually nice and amazing.

Probably at the end the government still insist to pass the law due the stress from China government, at least this time Hong Kong people, especially the teenagers who stood at the front line to fight for their rights, start waking up and being conscious. That's already good enough for our next generation.

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Thanks for reading and I hope you know more about Hong Kong, this special city.
Sending peace and love to all of you,


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