The Faulty Radar Gun: A Tale of Injustice and Redemption

It was a sunny day and I was driving on the highway at 60 miles per hour, well below the speed limit of 65. Suddenly, I saw flashing lights in my rearview mirror and heard a siren. A police officer pulled me over and handed me a speeding ticket. He claimed that I was going 80 miles per hour, which was impossible. I protested, but he wouldn't listen. He said that his radar gun was accurate and that I had to pay the fine.

I was furious and decided to challenge the ticket in court. I hired a lawyer and requested the maintenance records of the radar gun. To my surprise, the records showed that the radar gun had not been calibrated for over a year, and that it had a history of malfunctioning. The judge dismissed the ticket and scolded the officer for his negligence.

How do you think the officer should have handled the situation? 1. Apologize 2. I am the police, I am the boss.

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