Adventures in fallout 76

Hello fellow hive gamers

Me and my girlfriend @curbiegal have started playing fallout 76, I figured I would write about our adventures in this post apocalyptic remains of west Virginia, I did play this a little bit at release but didn't really get into it much. Were having a pretty good time so far though. This is Winston.


I like to have fun with character creaters. I usually modify every option to make some wierd looking characters XD, why not have fun with it right? Anyways we start jamming out on the Guitar and have a quick nap to grab the buffs. Sleeping gives a nice exp buff, and playing an instrument gives AP(basically stamina) regen buff. After that we go through the vault tutorial area grabbing up all the items along the way. After talking to the robots and collecting our items, we get to this giant vault door that takes a while to open up, not to worry though we have a robot standing next to us to keep us company, shouting goodbye at us. We finally get outside the vault and are blinded by the light for a couple seconds.

We met a couple npcs just outside the vault that didn't have any useful info but they did give us a free machete. Armed with our machetes we set out exploring. We come across this cabin that looked like it had been looted, but we found the corpse of a vault dweller from a different vault. He had a key that gave us a side quest to go way north, we decided to not do that quite yet. We looted the safe and other containers and went on our merry way. After a little bit we came to a river with a bridge and a building on the other side. We go into the building to find out its a bar, and its being held up by some dude looking for crane. Naturally curbie started to loot the place while I started to chop this dude up with the machete I had, since we didn't have any guns yet. After the fight the bartender then asked us to pretend to be this crane guy and deal with these thugs who keep comming in. She gives us a bunch of supplies. we got side tracked by the oversears camp and made some armor and weapons, after we then headed north.

We helped a bunch of people deal with some guys attacking them, and found a cave shortly afterwords with some kind of loot monster outside of it. He dropped me a legendary leg armor


We then headed into the cave, we got a side queat to mine a few coal nodes. It ended up being a mine shift with a bunch of dead ends, that eventually lead to a little open area that had a door that led outside. We then built our camps and the sign to attact the attention of some npcs for the quest we got earlyer. It didn't work we had to take a tape and broadcast it at a nearbyish location to the south west of us. Instead of going around we decided to go back through the cave. Upon emerging on the other side we found another loot monster. This time he dropped a really strong pistol.


It was a rather uneventful trip to the tower, we collected a bunch of plants and we found another players camp, and refreshed our experience and AP buffs. Once we got to the transmission tower there were a few scorched we had to clear out, once cleared and looted we could upload the tape and broadcast it. We then placed our camps down in a nearby location to attact the npcs for the quest we are working on. He walks up and threatens me, I laugh in his face and demand he tells me the location of his camp, he does so without much effort. After that we scrapped all our junk and deposited it into the camp and called it a night. This is my character currently.



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