Passing the HiveTorch (#168) - To @ignet The Torch Goes!



Passing the HiveTorch to @ignet today!

Je passe la torche HIVE Ă  @ignet aujourd'hui

As I held the torch for to long. Was fortunate to receive the torch from the legendary @jeffjagoe! Read about it here @jeffjagoe/passing-the-hivetorch-166-to-dylanhobalart-it-goes

@ignet please keep the fire alive!

What better person to pass the torch to then @ignet, The charity programme that mixes live twitch and blockchain Hive via the ECUs.
Le programme caritatif qui mixe les lives twitch et la blockchain Hive via les ECU

Check out the programm of @ignet and look at the live twitch.

Join @ignet and follow !

@dylanhobalart sent me the torch with 167 hive so I am passing to @ignet adding 1 hive for a total of 168 hive!

Here is proof I sent 168 hive to @ignet

Screenshot_20201019154130_Samsung Internet.jpg

And read up on the rules for #hivetorch below here⤵️

If you got passed the Hivetorch to you, increase the amount by 1, leave it as it is, or add anything between 0 and 1. It is up to you. Don´t reduce the amount and don´t add more than 1 Hive - it is not about collecting money.
Send the Hives as soon as possible to someone who is active on Hive and whom you trust that he/she will follow the rules and forward the torch to the next one.
In the transfer, use this Memo
"Hivetorch - Count x - please read the rules at @stayoutoftherz/hivetorch"
whereby you increase the count no. by 1 (so if you got the memo with count "23" then put "24" in your memo).
Choose as the next Hivetorch keeper preferably someone who has not yet been selected and inform him/her about the transfer, so that the torch is kept in motion.
You are highly encouraged to create a post about the Hivetorch e.g. on using the picture above or any other picture (the picture must contain both a torch and the Hive logo) and the tag #hivetorch. Please post it in the Hivetorch community.
After 333 transfers I will create a poll to let the community decide what to do next (continue, give the sum to a Hive-related project, distribute to minnows, burn it, etc.)

Also! Thanks to @stayoutoftherz for making this happen!

Tell next time,

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