The End is Near! …

The End is Near! …

Yes, the end is near. Well of course of 2020. It has been awhile on HIVE for me, it is awesome.
Right now, at office, you see that you need to keep up with the right content to right audience. So, work related, it gets busy. Yes, the end is near in this rough year. Well rough for certain groups, rough for certain businesses but it made us more adaptable for certain changes to continue what we do for living and what we do for passion. No wonder there is a saying discomfort creates new changes to adapt , to grow or this one it takes sandpaper to make rough wood shine out its colors.

For instance , in my case: I became more scheduled with my projects and more calculated with taking on my projects and more result-driven with the outcome and the lockdown gave me time pick up writing (HIVE) and reading again and still continue to do so. My question to you is: What have you learn so far?

2020 was wild man. Some meme makers guys (Idk how we should call them, memelords?). Those guys referenced the year 2020 with the game Jumanji, like really!? Lol.

We started with level 1: January
The month with the WW3 meme, I Came – I Saw – I Ran.. get it? COVID-19 was still then small thing (worldwide). School shootings and such.
And now we have December 2020. We should be thankful but still be silent for a moment and they take a look back.
We all can say we were at rock bottom at some point but we still here and the ones who did not make it , we should remember them and be helpful towards others who need he help the most. We are human after all. Let we not cancel out each but rather cancel out the bad stuff with kindness, humility and love and most important courage. It takes courage to take steps for doing good especially if the masses are out for blood. I just free flow here with words and with the emotions I have experienced this year. I may look good looking or so, but I do have my flaws and yes, I did have had it hard and yet I’m stubborn to give up. That is not a race thing but is the human thing.

I thank everyone with their feedback on this blog and with their upvotes and their reblogs.
In Sranan we say: Me wensi yu wan swit dey moro fara anga lobi anga blessi. Grantangi!
(Meaning: I wish you well further this day with love and blessings, Thank you!)


A cloud chaser pic


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