A Look Inside My Happy Place

I remember the conversation between Edward (Jack Nicholson) and Carter (Morgan Freeman) in the movie The Bucket List. At one point Carter asked Edward "Have you found joy?" It's a simple yes or no question but one that will make you think long and hard. People have different depictions of joy. It might mean being in love with someone, achieving your dream, bonding with family and friends or it might have a deeper sense for others. In my alone time, I ask myself "What makes me happy?" and "What brings me joy?"

Covid Effect

When the pandemic happened early this year and lockdown was imposed, I couldn't escape. Plans of going out-of-town, overseas or even to the malls were immediately crossed out. Travelling makes me happy. It helps me to forget my worries for a while. Then all of a sudden, I'm stuck inside the four corners of my room. You see, since I move back in last year, it served its purpose -- a place to sleep. Nothing more, nothing less. For more than twelve months, I did not dare fix my things or my room for that matter until I was forced by Covid-19 to do so. Just to be clear, I keep my room clean but unboxing and organizing my life into a new habitat took a while.

One day, maybe out of boredom because of the lockdown, I surveyed the entire space and decided it was time. In an instant, I let out the KonMari in me and started organizing my clothes, bags, shoes, books and all the other stuffs that I accumulated through the years. Honestly, I had a hard time decluttering. Should I hold on or let go...of things. Mari Kondo had a sound advice, choose the items that spark joy. So I thought, why not create my own happy place?

I started with the corner wall. I love the beach so the walls were painted blue green just like the ocean. Heart shaped lights were already installed on the wall. I bought them from Ikea Dubai in 2014 and still functioning up to this day. I added the wall stickers for a tropical vibe and to remind me everyday that life is beautiful. Got those stickers from Lazada for less than 300 pesos.


Lights on or lights off? For me, I like it pitch-dark because I'm a vampire. I usually wake up with a headache when somebody suddenly turns on the light. Blackout curtains are heaven sent. Even when Mr. Sun is shining brightly outside, it's still nighttime in my room. Best thing about my blackout curtains? I got it for only 300 pesos per panel. That's a steal! The cheapest I've seen online is 500 pesos plus delivery charge.

Have you heard of the word "Clinomania"? It is the excessive desire to stay in bed. I think everyone is guilty of it especially during weekends when we're too tired to do anything but laze around. Agree? Bed and pillows are important for me to have a good night's sleep so I don't mind spending a little more on those things. I'll let you in on a little secret, I'm OC when it comes to bed sheet. Every morning I allot 10-15 minutes of my time to make the bed. Just like how they do it in hotel rooms, I want it wrinkle free, smells amazing and nicely done. It has to be how it is shown in the picture every single day. Tip: Buy sheets that are garterized. It's easier to fix.


At the end of the bed is my recreation corner. Another best buy was the 55 inch smart TV because I'm a telly junkie. Luckily, I bought it at a great discount and I'm satisfied with the quality. Now I have more reasons to do kdrama marathons. During this pandemic, I discovered DIY miniatures as well. Out of curiosity, I ordered one online and after a couple of weeks ordered some more. I don't know, there's a certain kind of fulfillment after completing one. I'll talk more about it in another post.

Meet my plants -- Winter, Spring and Summer. I'm still looking for Autumn. Yes, they have names and sometimes I talk to them but I don't consider myself a certified plantita. I believe plants are mood boosters, add life to an empty space, and improve air quality. Spot the hope and love display frames? Well, because I still HOPE that LOVE will find me again. Put the other frames on the wall for added motivation. The white round thing on the floor is Sweeper, in-charge of the cleanliness. A smart automatic robot who does a commendable job.

My space

Even before Covid-19, I set up a mini work station in my room. Got a good deal for the Lifetime table. A little back story, I was in S&R that time looking for the right one which will fit my small space. The merchandiser told me it will be on sale in two days time. I followed his advice and got not just one but two tables for the price of one. How fortunate I was.

To make the space lively and Instagram worthy, I added a tropical photo frame, dried lavender and some display. I love lavender because of its calming and relaxing scent. Above is my work-in-progress dream board. I'm going to put my 2021 goals before the year ends. Wish me luck. The chair is from Lazada which was more affordable compared to mall prices. At the far side is where you can find my bags, book collection, skin care products and other stuffs. This little nook is where I do my office work, write blogs and journals, read books, assemble my miniatures and eat. I spent most of my time in here.

And that concludes the sneak peak of my happy place.

Happiness vs Joy

At the beginning of my post, I shared with you my question on happiness and joy. These two are often used interchangeably but, according to the experts, there is a big dissimilarity between them.

Joy is more consistent and is cultivated internally. It comes when you make peace with who you are, why you are and how you are, whereas happiness tends to be externally triggered and is based on other people, things, places, thoughts and events. Happiness brings pleasure but Joy brings true contentment to one's heart.

So what makes me happy? My room gives me euphoria -- from the bed to my work station and all the items I got at a big discount. Renovating or redecorating a room is fun and it doesn't have to be expensive. My dream before was a space that looks exactly like a hotel room but I realized it's better to incorporate one's personality in a room. A reflection of who you are. There are still things I like to add but as of the moment I'm satisfied with my accomplishment. Pat on the back! As I've said, travelling makes me happy but who would have thought that "a mere place to sleep" will put a smile on my face a year after?

Now what brings me joy? It's the unique kind of peace I'm getting from the four corners of my room. It feels as though I no longer have to escape. It somehow taught me how to be still. Finally, I'm in my comfort zone and I can still wander.

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