About The Author


"Writing is art and by liking it, you get to express your emotions and let out your thoughts."

Did I get your attention? Hahaha I just really made out that quote. It's been quite awhile since I introduced myself to other people and it made me rusty, and I have no idea how to present myself to anyone.

I'm not new to writing, in fact, I have an account on readcash where I published several blogs already. I go by the username WanderingMedStudent there and I would like to have a new and fresh username on this platform. The first thing that came to my mind was TheMedStudentWhoWrites but I think it's too long and so I took out the word student and made it into TheMedWhoWrites. I'm hoping that when readers get to see my username, they would already know that I'm in the medical field or a student.

I am a 22 year-old Bicolano who stands at around 5'10. Single by choice and is whole all by myself. A certified Lola's boy and is second in the siblings of five. I am proud to say and to be gay and to be part of the LGBTQIA+ community.


I was a very outdoorsy person before the pandemic hit. I loved to go on bike rides whether it's in the morning or in the afternoon. Alongside that are hobbies like jogging, running, walking, swimming, hiking, and etc. But because we all needed to stay at home, I had become a home buddy. The outdoorsy person in me had totally vanished.


I am currently studying for a degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine here in my province. In fact, I just passed my Veterinary Anatomy 2 subject. So, yay for me! I have been making ends meet by gaining money from writing and using it for my expenses.

I started writing blogs a year ago. A friend told me that I can gain money from it but I wasn't hooked on it immediately. I thought at that time that I'm not good enough to be a writer and doubted myself that maybe no one's going to be interested in my blogs.

I finally gave up and started to sign up on readcash after a month of using noisecash. I realized that I could earn more if I hustle on two platforms.

The start of my journey as a writer was not easy. Since I'm not into writing at all, I had struggles on how I was going to construct my thoughts in a way that my readers would not be bored. I write about almost everything; my life, current issues, tips and advice, etc. That's what you are about to read when I start posting here.

My goal in writing is to express my thoughts into words. I can still remember one of the reasons why I started writing, it's because I didn't have anyone to talk to in the first months of the pandemic. Not really because I'm alone or feeling lonely but I just didn't want to bother anyone since we all have our fair share of dealing with this pandemic on our own.

What matters to me the most about being a writer is that I get to return back the time that my readers have lost when they read my works. I can do this by writing masterpieces that are worthy of their time and making them realize that they didn't waste any time at all because they gained something from what they have read. It is also the time that I get to gain back the time I spent while writing it, kind words are enough and will be appreciated.

I hope you get to know a glimpse of me through this introduction. There's so much that I want to share with all of you soon. I hope we can all be friends and help one another.

Thank you for reading this! XOXO

Note: All of the photos attached are mine unless stated.

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