Our 3-Year Anniversary! 2.5 Years LDR....but now we are lonely again 😢

💕It's our 3-Year Anniversary!💕

❤️❤️❤️Today is the day, It's our 3-Year anniversary. We first met after 2.5 Years of LDR❤️❤️❤️
This post is about the amazing time that we had together. In short, it's about my love life!

Everything started 3 years ago when I received an innocent message over Facebook, I didn’t think much of it, in fact, it seemed random and raised some red flags for me.

The Philippines doesn’t necessarily have a good reputation when it comes to online relationships. So I proceeded with some generic questions, I tend to enjoy trolling someone with bad intentions. So my mission was to find out what she wanted! I wanted to have some fun and make the malicious girl feel like she is getting somewhere but in fact, she is just wasting her time while I'm having fun trolling...

This is about 7 months into the relationship

Well, ofc that could not have been further from the truth. Back then I was in a bit of a hole, I was young I still am and I just moved out and was working at a buildings drying company.

Moved from NZ to Germany

The work itself wasn’t stressful but it was very labour intensive. Also, I wanted to save some money for my upcoming Uni life, so within 6 months I got up to over 170h Overtime.

I was overworked for sure but that wasn’t the issue, the issue was not having anyone around and realising that most people don’t strive to achieve anything, they just want to do what they are told and if they are unsatisfied they’ll blame it on some external factor and they will move on.

Personally, I blame everything that happens or doesn’t happen on myself, this can be an issue
as sometimes things are not in our control (duh, yes stop the ramble we have heard this a million times before! Alright fine I’ll keep the intro short hahaha).

About 2 months into my new job and this is 3 months after moving out of the house, @queenmica texted me. A month later we decided to start our LDR journey. At first our relationship didn’t have much spark to it, yes we both agree on this but there was enough interest from both sides so the relationship kept going.

I proceeded with caution because I don’t trust people, I have had too many bad experiences and I wasn’t going to just fall in love and then be left with a broken heart all from a stupid message from a stranger on Facebook.

As months went by, with calls almost every weekend and text messages ramping up to messages every hour. (Sana all, we send about 100 messages every day right now and it’s getting worse hahaha)

That’s the reason we use 2 different social media accounts, on one we just text and the other is for sending videos, memes, links, or documents because on Facebook after one day we won’t be able to find what we send. Oh, my bad I keep going on tangents. After six months we started to get to know each other really well, it started to feel natural and we both started to trust each other, and everything started to bloom.

As more time passed I started to feel a strong urge and super strong love for this girl, and wow could my gut feeling not be more right.

So I started to plan a trip, as a student it took
me ages to save up a decent amount of money to press the buy button on the flight ticket.

At the stage of when I was buying the ticket and planning the trip I was already 100% sure about this girl.

Yes I know that might be naive or maybe even this whole blog seems naive, but what I will say though is:

After many many hours of talking over the phone, after thousands of texts and a couple of fights that we always dealt with there is no way that you won’t know how stupid the other person is.

For us it made a click because we are both stupid and crazy hahahaha

And so after 2.5 Years of never seeing each other, I was sitting on the flight super excited to see my baby! I couldn’t help but smile while counting down the hours until we met, and she was as well!

I packed only a couple of things the rest was all chocolate. The rest was all chocolate.
And so cut from all the videos that we have made during our first meet we made a video!

We hope you will enjoy it:

We met in Manila, the first 30 minutes were funny, we were both a little shy with each other. As soon as we got into the taxi everything started to change.

From that point on we became the most clingy couple that you can see in public, hahaha no I’m kidding…well I don’t know we are just normal clingy….

On the second day, I met her sisters and her Parents, I was very surprised because they took their time to travel to Manila from Conception. Meeting them was planned for later, I guess they were excited as well haha.

After only spending 2 days in the wild city Manila, we took our first flight together to Bohol. We spent 9 days in Bohol, we rented a Scooter, and we did everything that you could think of doing there!

There was a lot to do there, Bohol is truly amazing I can recommend it to everyone if they haven’t been there yet!

In Bohol, I started to slowly get sick from the water. I only drank bottled water there but the Problem was I forgot about the ice…so slowly the stomach cramps started to come but I only really became sick when we left Bohol and travelled to Conception.

In total, I was sick for about 4 days but it was super chill, I was surrounded by my girlfriend's family, friends and relatives and they weren’t going to let me die that easy hahaha.

When I recovered our time was up in Conception as we planned a family trip to Baguio, it was only for 2 days as we planned to spend more time with each other without all the Marites.

Filipino readers will understand what I mean here.

After Bagiuo we crashed a wedding, it could’ve been ours. Just look at us cuties. The next morning we travelled to Manila to catch a flight to Palawan.

Palawan was great as well, but we both agree that Bohol is better, there is just so much to do.

El Nido just feels tiny and super compact, almost like the city is only made for the sole purpose of tourism, which it kinda of is.

We still did everything that we wanted to do there, and we did find our favourite rooftop bar that wasn’t fully built yet so we almost always had it to ourselves every night.

It was in El Nido where time really started to feel like it was going too fast, and the feeling of holding our hands started to feel like it was already fading.

In all the other locations it felt like time had completely stopped and it was only two of us fully present and 100000% in love wearing the beautiful rose-coloured glasses, a truly amazing feeling that can’t be replicated with anything or described in words.

Watching the last videos that we spent together in Manila still reminds me of the painful separation at the airport and the most painful flight that I have ever experienced, it does hurt until this day!

But today is special so I’ll focus on that! Happy 3 years to us! If it’s not for her I would not be the person that I am today!

So I hope that you find whatever it is that makes you better stronger and more passionate about pushing yourself towards doing everything that you can in order to succeed!

Thank you for your attention, stay tuned for more!

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