Hello Hive and hello everyone! This is iamscinttwister again, your friendly engineering blogger presenting you with a new blog that would hopefully be worth your precious time, provide you with quality content that offers both knowledge and entertainment. But before we start with the content of today's blog, I would like to extend my greetings and thanks for giving it a chance and reading though this blog, it is much appreciated. I hope that whoever is reading this blog is doing great in life and facing hardships with confidence and perseverance, continue giving it your all! For today's blog I'll be sharing to you guys how my weekday started and realizing what a dumb bird I am sometimes, I present to you guys " A RANDOM BLOG: ROBOTS, BURGERS & DEATH BY ICE CUBES!"



The life of a student revolves around basically the same thing everyday. Wake up then go to school and then go back, some may include certain activities that helps them relieve stress. For a student, experiencing changes in your teaching environment, especially for a change that gives you benefits, like from theoretical and then changing to applications/hands-on is very encouraging to have more passion into learning. Today's I'll share to you another practice session with the robotic arm. As they all say, practice makes perfect. Well, for this type of activity, even perfect does not exist, we need to at least be near to perfect. Why? Well handling this type devices need a lot focus and presence of mind. Although the action of the robotic arm is precise, but give it the wrong inputs, and all hell would break loose.

When we arrive at the classroom to practice there were already a few groups that was waiting in que to have a turn to practice the robotic arm. As we all know the first person or this time a group to come will always be served first. Of course we will wait our turn...


So this is me at the back corner of the room waiting, the room was air-conditioned, at first I did not have any jacket but as time passes by, I felt more and more chill that I can withstand it anymore without wearing my windbreaker, well to at least reduce the coldness that I feel. I think it's because I workout often and have low body fat percentage that I am more susceptible of feeling more chill than others. It's really a good thing that I always bring my windbreaker with me, this was intended not to get burnt by the sun or get wet in the rain when outside. It's was a good habit to always bring it with my at all times.Well one of that states the rules within the room...



Within the poster, picture, sign or whatever you call it, have the common rules you'd apply in a computer laboratory. Like no food, drinks and smoking within the laboratory room, similar with what's inside a computer lab, this room accommodate electronic devices such as the robotic arm, the casino coin sorter, 3D printers, computers, and other devices that can get damaged when being careless with food, water or other liquid drinks. But the most important rule we must keep in mind is that, while inside the room, we should avoid "joking around". As students we have to keep in mind that having the presence of mind while working with the equipments/devices is a must.


We should prevent from unnecessary jokes or actions that may cause other student, especially the one operating the device, to lose focus which can cause undesirable events or in worst case scenario the device could get busted. Our instructor always remind us that having to use the devices and equipments of the school is a great privilege for us students. That although we will not get fined when the devices or equipment get damage, but we still have to be mindful in our actions considering that there are still many students that would want to experience the same opportunity we are having.



Finally the time has arrived when its our turn to practise with the robotic arm. Originally there supposed to be 6 on our group, and all are needed to be present so that we will be allowed to practise the robotic arm. But this time there were only two of us who wanted to practise more with the robotic arm, we wanted to try having to experience the other roles when operating the robotic arm. As I have stated in my previous blog that there are different roles when operating with robotic arm and we will have a rotation in the hands-on examination, this is to identify whether all members of the groups have been actively participated. As we are going to be graded individually, of course we will take it up to ourselves to have the common sense to practise in our free time, as our instructor said that as long as his in the campus and able to supervise, we can practise the robotic arm when we want. My previous role was spotter and today I practiced to be the coder, I think in the next time I can have the chance to be the teaching pendant holder.

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So this is what a teaching pendant looks like up close, there is a screen display along with numerous keys and buttons that can command the robotic arm and is capable of many operations. So technically the teaching pendant allows you to manually control robotics arm, one axis at a time. Each of the axis have a corresponding number to control it specifically. From watching several people use the teaching pendant I have also grown quite familiar with its function despite not being able to use it before. So if you are curious about the outcome of the program and the use of the teaching pendant, you can view its full action in this video link.



This evening my brother decided to have a late night walk in search for something to fill our bellies. Hahaha. We were just supposed to cook some pancit canton and boil some eggs for a late night snack, but this time we wanted something different so we went out. Our first destination is at 7/11...



Imagine workout out 4-6 times a week, drinking vitamins and supplements to have a better and stronger body, and yet almost getting one hit critical damaged by a semi-melted ice cube on lying on the floor. All my life's memories flash in from of me as I felt my feet slipped on the tile floor. "A gym rat mugged by an ice cube" what a hilarious title in a newspaper article would that be. I know it was just an accident and no one wanted that to happen, but was there something I could've done to what have happened to me? Like giving them a heads up about what happened and advising them to regularly check the floors for potential hazards? Well, I'm not going to ask for any compensation since I didn't received any injuries, I'm not asking for myself but for others that may also experience that same thing I did... And I may balanced myself to safety, leaving me unharmed. What about others? What if it was an elderly person that was in my position? Even a short slip can cause serious injuries.

Last but not the least option: Minute Burger

After scanning through the frozen goods inside 7/11, we failed to find something that would surely fill out bellies. So my brother suggested that we would by burgers in minute burger instead. I'm not that fan of burgers but minute burger stands are quite the exemption. I kinda like how their patties taste. Buying burgers is not that bad of an idea so I decided to go with it. By the time we were ordering, there were a lot of items that were no longer available, well if you take time as consideration, maybe they've ran out of stock.


So I ordered the Crispy chicken chimichurri, I never had it before so I wanted to know how it tasted. When we arrived back at the boarding house, we immediately started eating. At first I really liked the spicy touch to it, but with the more chew I got the more I am weirded out by the flavor profile of this burger. If I was to rate this one, it will be 6/10. Or basig ignorante ragyud ko.🤣

May pa rate rate pakong nalalaman, I even forgot to take a picture of the burger I was eating!🤣


That is all for today's entry for my blog "A RANDOM BLOG: ROBOTS, BURGERS & DEATH BY ICE CUBES!", I hope that I have imparted knowledge to you guys. If you ever made it this far in the blog, I hope it meant that you liked and enjoyed reading through it. If you ever find my blogs interesting and you want to read more of my future blog, you can show support by giving me a follow and I'll be sure to follow back. If you have any thoughts in mind about my blogs or any suggestion, I would love to know about it. I hope to see you again in my next blog and thank you for the time, it's much appreciated! God bless!💖

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