All days of the week is unique , some have a particular event or something attached to it. An individual might love a particular day of the week, probably there is something that it birth and is so precious to them, some people might not really like a particular day of the week not that they hate it but maybe because of the hassles and hurdles that comes with it.


Monday is a unique day of the week,it serve as a starting point for what is yet to come in the remaining days of the week.
As a saying goes: How you start your Monday determines how the other days will be.

I remember when I was still in secondary school, everyone fear to be beaten on a Monday morning because we believe such individual will fall iny circumstances that will result into him or her been beaten throughout the week.

Well don't judge us, that's what we were told.

However,I really don't use to like Monday,I think most Nigerian don't too.
It simple,we never want the time we have to ourselves during weekends to end.

Monday is disrupting my time, the rest and serenity of being in my room and not having to wake up early to meet up with morning lectures, not stuck up in traffic,not going for lecture that might be cancelled and there is nothing I can do but then it comes to remind me that I have work to do,that I have tests and exams coming up,it tells me to buckle up because there are lots of activities, goals ahead.
And sometimes I scream Nooooo!!!!!
I don't want to go back to Monday but then I have to.

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I have come to think about how can I be free from hating Mondays and I think I'm glad with what I came up with.
So when I saw how I can create a perfect Monday for myself I already knows what I'm going to pen down.

First,I pray to my creator to guide me throughout the week,to grant me the strength to overcome any obstacles that might come my way,to open the eyes of my heart to receive instructions on how to have problem free and positive energy in all that I do.
And I always pray to know how to relate with people without any bad feelings.

Second,I learnt to develop healthy and positive thoughts towards my Mondays,I sees it as what has come to challenge me of my purpose and goals,it reminds me of that space I want to be and not just by imagining but I must also put them into actions.
It reminds me of how I must focus on self improvement in becoming want I desire to be.

So when any challenges comes my way I sees it to only build me and I know the challenges come because I can deal with it and so I will.

And lastly, Affirmation, this has been working well for me,I adopted this not quite long,I make sure I write out my to do list in my jotter even though I don't paste them on my walls, maybe I will start that to.
I write out what I what I want to achieve at the end of my Mondays activities and other days of the week and I affirm them.

I prophesy good things to myself,I tell myself things I am yet to achieve because I believe I can, and this serve as a source of peace to me,it makes me feel relive that nothing can stop me.
I gives me the picture of how perfect my Monday will be as I step out to start the day.

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With this I have a perfect Monday,which I created for myself and it makes me fulfilled, when something happens and I know it might distract me, I affirm this words to myself again and it gives me energy to do it.
It makes me see my self there even before I start and it makes me feel at ease.

Mondays is just like a ladder that one have to climb to reach the zenith of fulfillment embedded in the rest of the week.

I hope you learnt something about how you can also have a perfect Monday, don't dislike it,you can live it as you want.

Thank you for visiting my blog ❤️
I'm grateful.

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