A visual storyteller enters HIVE


For years of waiting for a sign, I am so glad I have discovered this platform because I can finally realize my blogging stint. Join me in celebrating life on this planet!

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Hello! I am Kristian James Valenzona or Keejay as what my friends call me. I grew up in Palompon, Leyte —a small town in the Philippines where the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. We resided along with the coastal community, thus I spent most of my childhood days on the beach since most of my family members rely on fishing for a living. That is why I am always drawn by the ocean. I have learned to appreciate nature and discovered my love for visual arts in this little town.

No matter how far my feet could take me, it will always lead me back to where I started my humble beginnings.

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I earned my bachelor's degree in communication arts just in my hometown. Thanks to my college years because I was surrounded by people I look up to and that's the very reason I've already figured out what I want to do with my life. I am eternally grateful for my family, mentors, colleagues, and organizations who helped me find my true purpose.

“The longest journey starts with a single step. When you have a dream or an ambition and it’s so far away, and it’s so high up, it can be overwhelming. But when you look at it one step at a time, one day you’ll look up at your feet and you’ll be in your destination.” - Catriona Gray

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I decided to move to Cebu City in hopes to find opportunities for me to grow professionally. I believe that moving away from your hometown will allow you to reveal the best out of yourself and finally taste independence. I find it a privilege to meet new faces and explore places that are new to me and most importantly, build new networks that will benefit my career and individuality. Yes, hustle and bustle of metro life are for me.


I am currently working in a food manufacturing company as a Multimedia Designer. I love my job and I couldn’t be more grateful to be blessed with a positive working environment. I have awesome workmates that I can explore new things with and that’s how I discovered this platform.


All thanks to my senior co-workmate, @patsitivity for introducing me to HIVE. I am so excited to show you my adventures and other interesting content I badly want to show to everyone. What to expect from my future posts:


To travel is to live. Discovering new places is what my heart wants to do for the rest of my life. I am very excited to share with you the beautiful places I’ve been to and the ones I’m planning to visit.

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Take on an adventure with me! I want to virtually tour you in beautiful places I visited and convince you to include these places on your bucket list. I will also share travel guides and techniques that can help your future travel plans.

Visual Storytelling

I find my passion in photography and cinematography way back in high school, but it all actually started when I was 8 years old when I am more interested in watching documentaries than in animated cartoons. I have been seriously practicing it since I entered college- I enrolled in a journalism-related course and joined several organizations.

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Right now I am happily pursuing my stint as a content creator. You can follow me on Instagram and subscribe to me on Youtube.

Today, the advent of advanced technology is what drives us to create something new and make everything so handy. Just like in photography, the earliest successful photograph taken was in a room-sized camera back in 1826, but now we can take professional-quality photos just with our mobile phones. Amazing!


We can take your mobile photography to the next level by learning the photography basics. I'd like to share what I've learned as a visual storyteller and a journalist with you. G?

DIY Crafts

I always found joy in making things more beautiful. I love making crafts from scratch and creating spaces more livable, this way I can express my creativity in a practical way. I believe in the “less is more” notion, thus I advocate for green and minimalist design through my works. I am so excited to share my works with you.


Pressure drives motivation, really, so I am very thankful to those people who keep on pushing me to my limits. The moment I discovered this platform I knew it would help me in bringing out the best in myself. I am looking forward to discovering new things and meeting amazing people in the community.

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