September to Remember - My kids experience with chickenpox.

Hello Hive family,trust that our week has been great.
As for me I have activated my weekend mood and I am ready to get all the rest that I can because my week has been so very stressful.
September 2023 is a month that I will live to remember all my life.

I never had any experience of chickenpox not until it happened to my kids.
Although I might have been infected when I was a child then which I don't know.

What is Chickenpox( also called VARICELLA) Chickenpox is a very strong contagious viral infection that causes itchy, blister-like rashes on the skin.

it is a skin infection that easily spreads once contacted by someone.

Ways by which Chickenpox can be contacted or spread.

  1. it can be spread through airborne( by coughing or sneezing)
  2. it can also be contacted through skin-to-skin contact.
  3. it can also be contacted by touching a contaminated surface.
  4. it can also be conterminated through mother to child.

Symptoms of chickenpox

  1. High temperature
  2. Headache
  3. Stomach ache.
  4. Lost of appetite.
  5. Sleeplessness/restlessness.

How it all started.

And so on this particular Sunday, on getting back home from church, my son told me that he noticed something on the skin of a particular child that sat close to him in the children's class but I ignorantly did not pay close attention to get all the details from him, if I had known!!!.
And BOOM the next day towards the evening time, he started having temperature and always complaining of headaches, I came back from work so early,took him to the hospital but even before we got to the hospital , the blister rash started coming out of his body.
He was diagnosed and the doctor said it was chickenpox,so we were given the drugs below:
Calamine lotion, antibiotics, pain reliever,some vitamins.

He started his medication for like 4 days on it,so someone told me also try the local method of treating it,she said it works faster than the medical treatment. She asked me to get bitterleaf, water and Chelsea(Alcohol).

These are the items for the local treatment for chickenpox.


I washed the bitterleaf using water to extract the fluids in it,when I have gotten enough water from it,I used the water to bath him,allowed the water to dry on his body.

This is the extracted bitterleaf water.

Then I also scrubbed another bitterleaf using the Chelsea (alcohol),the extracted fluids was used to rub him all over his body and allowed to dry,I also gave him very little to drink.Honestly that evening I noticed that the blisters started bursting, after two days, they all started drying up,because I was doing it almost every 3 times.And on the seventh day it has dried up completely.

And this is my first son,after the chickenpox has dried and healed.

My Ignorance.

You remembered I said earlier that chickenpox spreads so easily, ohhh if I had known,I would have commenced the same treatment for my second son but I was ignorant about it.
On the 9th day, my second son started the same symptoms like me first son and I am on with his treatment.

This is the image of my second son,you can see the blister,I just finished applying the calamine lotion to calm the itchiness.
I am using both treatment, and because of this he has not been going to school so he will not get other kids infected.
Am sure by Monday,there will be great improvement.
I also call it my joy of MOTHERHOOD....LOL

Its been so great for me writing my September

all images used here are all mine.

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