"The first step is to establish that something is possible then probability will occur."
-Elon Musk-

"I think ordinary people can choose to be extraordinary."
-Elon Musk-

Elon Musk is one man I would say everyone loves and admires and he inspires me a lot.

While doing my research on him, there are certain things I learned from him which I will be sharing with you. These lessons include:

  1. Problem Solving: Looking at the various things that Elon Musk has, ranging from SpaceX to Tesla, down to neurolink, you'd notice that one thing is key, which is solving a problem. SpaceX was created for the freedom of moving from Earth to Mars, Tesla was created for freedom from fossil fuel, and Neurolink was created for freedom from the limitations of human biology. Everything is mainly for solving a problem. Elon reminds me of someone in the bible named Joseph who was able to see a problem and propose a solution to that problem, that's how Joseph got rich. And I learned, that if I can solve a problem, I can be wealthy.

  2. Good Relationship: At the time Elon Musk was having challenges in Tesla he leaned on friends to cover the weekly payroll. Imagine if Elon did not build valuable relationships. Elon reminds me of my savior JESUS. While he was on earth, he built good relationships. They both understood the importance of having valuable men in their lives. I learned, that without men, it is impossible to go far in life. You need men to help you achieve your dreams. Not just any men, but men of great value and worth.

  3. Good Leadership: Whilst I was researching Elon Musk and I saw how much of a leader he portrayed, I was greatly inspired. Take a look at what he said to his workers during a challenging time in SpaceX 👇

Even during the challenging time in Tesla, he said if my workers feel pain, my pain would be much worse. He even decided to sleep in the factory so that it would be easy for him to wake up and get back to work. I tell you, that right there is true LEADERSHIP.

  1. Read A Good Book: Good books were also a contribution to Elon Musk's success. Books are treasures full of knowledge and at times they provide answers to every question. Check out some books Elon read👇

  1. Never Give up:
    “Never. I don’t ever give up. I’d have to be dead or completely incapacitated. For my part, I will never give up, and I mean never.”-Elon Musk-

In all of it, Elon never gave up. Regardless of how the situation was, he kept pushing. He said if you going through hell, keep walking. It only takes a man who is crazily determined about his future and dreams that would say that.

"When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor". -Elon Musk-

These are the following lessons I learned from Elon Musk.

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