Puttering and Around the Yard - June 19, 2024 @goldenoakfarm

New Herb - Row 3, 1st echinacea purp flower1 crop June 2024.jpg

New Herb garden – 1st Echinacea purpurea flower

On Wednesday morning I was up at 4:45AM after a poor night’s sleep. I got my post up and started laundry and then the humidity hit as the temps rose. I was feeling poorly enough that I couldn’t face a garden.

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These sweet pea flowers are perennials and they grow under the crabapple tree.

Crabapple - sweet pea flowers2 crop June 2024.jpg

They look very like the ones I planted by the porch but those are annuals. The big difference is perennials have no scent, and the ones I planted are supposed to be highly scented.

New North - astilbe flowers crop June 2024.jpg

New North garden – astilbe flowers

So, as there’s no shortage of stuff to do inside, I decided to stay inside and get some of it done. Once the laundry was started, I got a load of dishes going.

Fourth Fence - phlox flowers crop June 2024.jpg

Fourth Fence garden – phlox, my husband’s favorite

I had to keep resting or going into the cool office to cool down but I kept chipping away at the list.

I decided to get some photos to go with this post, so I went out at 10AM to do that. It was already getting hot out there.

Small garden - mid crop June 2024.jpg

When I came around to get a shot of the Small garden, I realized there were a lot of sugar pod peas that needed picking. I wasn’t up to picking them in the heat and then processing them, but I did pick enough for supper.

Sugar pod peas crop June 2024.jpg

New South - lamb's ear flowers crop June 2024.jpg

New South garden – lots of lamb’s ear flowers

I got the kitchen cleaned up and the laundry washed and folded.

South Herb - bellflowers crop June 2024.jpg

South Herb garden - bellflowers

I decided to wander over to get a shot of the Big garden.

Big garden - mid crop June 2024.jpg

In the process, I realized I had a lot of garlic scapes that needed to be processed too. Not on Wednesday…

Big garden - garlic scapes2 text crop June 2024.jpg

It’s to be even hotter on Thursday, so maybe I will get out there really early and harvest the peas and scapes and spend the day processing them.

Little Trees II - chokeberries collage text crop June 2024.jpg

While I was over by the Big garden I decided to go check out the Little Trees II. The Juneberry had a few berries on it, not ripe. But the chokeberries had quite a few.

South Herb - meadowsweet buds crop June 2024.jpg

South Herb garden – meadowsweet buds

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Around 5:30PM it started to rain, then rain hard. We had to shut nearly all the windows as it was blowing in. I got a call from my brother saying he was in the driveway (above) but the rain was blowing so hard, he didn’t want to get out until it let up.

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It was really blowing, waves of rain going across the yard. You can see one alongside the house, where it’s foggy looking.

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I was only on the porch for a minute to get the photos but the lens got all speckled. You can see the waves along the tree line. It rained like that for at least 25 minutes and my brother finally got into the house for supper.

One of the jobs for Wednesday was my son was to get the rest of the seed starting paraphernalia down in the cellar and help me put away all of it. He helped me get it all done. Finally that is finished.

On Thursday I will be freezing lots of sugar pod peas and canning garlic scape pickles. I’ve already started getting out all the equipment I will need. I hope to be out there picking before 6AM. It’s going to be a hot one again…

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