Lotta Walking - April 28, 2024 @goldenoakfarm

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On Sunday morning I was up at 5AM and got my post up, the kitchen cleaned up and chores done, and then watered the office seedlings. I took a rest for a while then got up to water the rest of the seedlings. Then I remembered…

I double checked the weather and yes, Sunday was the day the seedlings that were ready moved to the cold frame. So I started carrying each tray out. It took nearly an hour but one side of the cold frames is filled.

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Lotta walking, and stairs…

When I finished, my brother had gotten up and headed to the barn for the equipment we’d need for trimming trees.

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This shot of the middle pasture from near the cold frames shows the overhanging tree limbs. They hit the farmer’s tractors and need to be cut back and up.

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So my brother tried to start the essentially brand new pole saw. My husband used it once in 2019 to do the driveway (which also needs done) and it’s not been run since. While he was doing that, I was picking up all the branches that had fallen. No one likes to find cordwood in their hay.

When Tom and I did the pasture trees in 2022, he put his electric start on my gas fired’s end and used the hybrid very successfully.

So we left it to dry out as my brother thought he’d flooded it. We started walking the fences of the middle pasture, fixing the wire the deer and trees had taken out and checking fence posts.

Middle pasture crop April 2024.jpg

He went back to check the pole saw, but it wouldn’t start. So we went to the barn where I put the 2 fencing buckets back together with all the tools we’d need and we finished up the middle pasture.

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He worked his way up the driveway as there was wire from the neighbor’s downed fencing that interfered with weedwacking. I started on the front pasture.

By the time I got to the front, a neighbor was walking by with what my husband called the cutest puppy in the world, Ruby. We visited for a few minutes and then I was back to work. We finished the front pasture and tried the pole saw again. This time it had a serious vapor lock that my brother could not figure out. So we gave up. I’ll see if I can borrow Tom’s to make the hybrid.

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We moved onto the back 40. My brother took the south side and I got the north. The idea was to pick up branches and fix fence. But the north side had so many downed branches of good size that I only made it to where he is in the photo, on left (tiny speck by trees). He’d gone all the way around in the time it took me to clean up that far. He finished checking the fences and I headed to the house. I had to eat, get a shower and get ready to go to the classical concert at 2PM.

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On the way up I noticed the Little Trees II peach had flowers.

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These women got together during the pandemic and have a program of works by women composers from a century ago.

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This is what they played and the music after the intermission was particularly good. My friend and I enjoyed it a lot. But it ran quite late and I didn’t get home until nearly 5:30PM.

My brother had said he’d cook supper as I knew I’d be wiped out, but he wasn’t home, so I ended up making very simple pesto chicken and corn for vegetable.

I’d called Tom when I got back from the pastures to ask if I could borrow the electric for the hybrid. He brought it by when he did the milk run and we visited for a while getting caught up on doings for us both.

Then I went to bed. For the first time, no stoves or shades needed to be done at night.

On Monday I hope I am in some kind of shape to go out and pull the rest of the cordwood out of the grass before it gets any higher. It’s already 10” high and hard to see.

I also have laundry to do and cleaning up the kitchen. I should finish the amendment orders but I will probably be too tired for that.

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