Join The Next Twitter #HiveChat on Tuesday July 28


#HiveChat is now a weekly event.

In the Hive Marketing discord group, we decided to make the Twitter #HiveChat a weekly event on every Tuesday, with rotating hosts. I will be the host for the next #HiveChat. If you’re interested in being a host for a future #HiveChat, join the Hive Marketing discord and let us know:

Here are the details for the next #HiveChat that I will be hosting:

Day: Tuesday, July 28, 2020
Where: Twitter
Time: 12 GMT


08:00 - USA EST
09:00 - Brazil / Argentina
13:00 - UK
14:00 - Central European Time
17:00 - Pakistan / India
19:00 - Indonesia / Thailand
20:00 - Philippines
22:00 - Australia

What is #HiveChat?

#HiveChat is a Tweet chat on Twitter, which is an established social media tool to expand one’s reach on Twitter and connect with new and existing community members. If you’re new to the concept of Tweet chats, here’s a guide to explain it:

The very first #HiveChat took place on Twitter last Tuesday and was organized by @jeanlucsr. Read the official tutorial post about this event here: @jeanlucsr/get-ready-to-tweet-hivechat-faq-and-tutorial

It was a big success.

Shoutouts to @traciyork @nathanmars @hivetrending and everyone who took part (too many people to list)...

I think there were over 750 #HiveChat hashtags used.
He’s writing an analysis post about this as we speak and will release that soon. It was decided that we have rotating hosts, as to make this more sustainable.

What to do for the next #HiveChat?

On July 28, 2020 at 12 GMT, get on Twitter. Follow this Twitter account as I will be the host for the second #HiveChat Twitter chat. Once a topic or question is announced, reply with your answer and make sure to use the hashtag #HiveChat.

How does it work?

The #HiveChat runs from 12:00 to 13:00 GMT. It starts with an ice breaker and Hive-related question every 10 minutes. The #HiveChat questions are only used to give a general structure to the chat, everyone is free to interact with one another and ask additional questions or provide additional answers to the questions asked by the hosts. The more interaction the more fun the TweetChat becomes.

Do you have questions for the next #HiveChat?

If you have a question that you think would be a good one for the next #HiveChat, put it in the comments below.

Here are some questions I came up with:

If you could improve one thing about Hive, what would it be?
What do you most like about Hive?
What do you most dislike about Hive?

So mark your calendars now for next Tuesday’s #HiveChat on Twitter and see. you there!


Follow @hivepeople




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