Introducing Hive Book Bingo!


Want to play Hive Book Bingo?

It was a rainy Sunday morning so I figured I'd spend it devouring the pile of books I grabbed from the library last week. Maybe I should post a bit about them on Hive ... maybe I should make it a little more interesting ... how about I review them and mark them off on a little Hive Book Bingo challenge card as I go?

Sounds like a plan.

Want to play too?

The Details

  1. Pick up to 7 books that meet the challenges on the Hive Book Bingo honeycomb.

  2. Write a Hive post about each one.

  3. Use the hashtag #hivebookbingo so your posts can be easily found. #books, #reading, and #bookreview are other good ones to add.

  4. Visit other reader's #hivebookbingo posts to upvote, leave comments, and collect reading recommendations :-)


What type of books do I have to use?
Any type! It could be a racey paperback bodice-ripper, a graphic novel, an entrepreneurial business book, a heavy memoir, or a picture book. You choose!

Do they have to be physical books?
No. Physical books, ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, zines, sketchbooks, ancient scrolls - any format or interpretation of book is fine.

Can I use books I've read in the past?
Sure can. You could even do books you haven't read yet, but would like to.

Do I have to do the topics in order?
Nope. Start where you wish.

Can I combine topics?
Yes, you'll end up with less posts though.

Can I do more than one post for each topic?
Definitely! More quality book posts on Hive means everyone wins.

How often do I need to post?
You can post as frequently, or infrequently, as you wish.

What does my post need to say?
It's up to you. You pick the angle. It could be a standard book review, or a story about how you came across the book. Maybe you want to write about when and where you read it. Perhaps it's the cover art or illustrations you love. Maybe you hated the book and didn't finish reading it. There's endless aspects to write about.

Can I just cut and paste a review from somewhere else?
No, that would be pretty pointless, and also plagiarism. Hive readers want to hear what you think about the book.

When does it start/finish?
There's no start or end time, just begin whenever you want.

Can I use your Hive Book Bingo images?
Yes, you can use the images on your own #hivebookbingo posts.

Is there a prize?
This is a personal challenge rather than a competition, so no prize. You should gain some juicy upvotes and new followers in appreciation of your reading recommendations though!


I'm off to craft a #hivebookbingo post, and read more books.

Until next time,


Original content created by @sammie. Posted August, 2020.

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