Spiritual Synchronicities

I'm reposting this as a post instead of a comment because its the true Hive blog way. I thought I could sneak it in a comment and get away with it but no, my feeble attempts at putting my personal life out there in a inconspicuous manner were called out by my cuz @amphlux and even @ecency who my cousin thought was a bot. 😅 Anyway, backstory to this post is that I saw the number 71 on a comment from @ecency

This ecency post's Hive ranking is currently is 71 which was also my dad's mini sprint race car number. He passed away when I was 10 back in 1995. This is why I chose the number 71 to tag on the end of my username.

To add to this story, the number 71 an 711 (my dad's birthday) has always been a sign for me that my dad is still with me in spirit. I occasionally see the number from time to time either on a clock that I glance over to, a car license plate, a circle on a 2D drawing that I purposely placed on the 0,71 x,y coordinate, or any other random place you'd see numbers.

One time I even saw a license plate that read 711DEL. D.E.L. is my dad's initials. I would be lying if I said I didn't get a little choked up and teary eyed at that moment. To wrap this story up though. The biggest WTF moment I've experienced with noticing signs from my deceased father would be the time that I was driving home from my mom's retirement party. As I was driving down the highway, I glanced over to my left and in the passing lane was a mini sprint car on the back of a trailer zooming by me. It wasn't any old mini sprint car though. It was so similar in appearance to my dad's old racecar that I couldn't believe it. I had to catch up and take a picture (see below).

Car I saw on the highway:

highway car.jpg

My dad and his race car:

dads old car.jpg

Anyway, thought I'd share this random cool story.

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