A CRAZY IDEA THAT MIGHT WORK: You & Me 2 The Power Of 2 #You2 #Me2 *** FEED BACK PLEASE! ***

Hi and #HighFive everybody! 🙌

So the other day I went deep into one of those dives that I take when I'm trying to level up my thinking...

Over the last couple weeks I had been rallying on Twitter with @nathanmars. It was fun too! Our goal is to BOOST #Hive into the crypto stratosphere and bright minds where it belongs! $1...$2...$3...$4...$5 The sky is the limit with #Hive... but where do we begin? AND how do we begin? That's the question, right?

I, personally, believe that it is the quality of the questions that you ask that determines the quality of your life. And I also believe that we all can live our best life by being intentional with the actions we take... If those actions are taken daily we can even compound our results *and POWER UP what's possible!

" #PowerUP... #DoubleUP... #TeamUP... That's it!!!", I thought out loud to myself.

"We need to #DoubleUP #TeamUP and #PowerUP everybody on the Hive Blockchain!"

#You2 #Me3.jpg

We could double the strength of the Hive Blockchain (over night) by literally teaming up with each other... What could that do for Hive? Would it boost the resilience of each and every person on Hive? Would the price respond accordingly?

I had to find out...

I knew, as a personal trainer, that having a buddy to workout with at the gym made the reps and steps easier and more fun. As well the workout consistency would be waaaaayyyy better and it could even doubled results!

Soooooo! What if we were to #DoubleUp officially on the Hive Blockchain? How would we actually do this? And that’s when an idea crossed my mind! I knew how we could do this!

I decided to reach out directly to @NathanMars over the audio waves.

It was my 1st time speaking with Nathan but I knew in my gut that this was going to be it! After talking and getting to know each other a bit our conversation moved to how we could help each other BOOST HIVE on Twitter.

I told Nathan about my idea and immediately it took off!

Ok! Ok! I’ll stop tormenting you… Here it is. An idea for how we can #TeamUP, #DoubleUP, and #PowerUP on Hive and Twitter all at the same time and do it together!


Commission a piece of Art.

Yes! You heard me right… But there’s more to the idea!

I asked Nathan if we could make our #TeamUP official by creating a half and half profile picture. Half of the artwork would be Nathan’s face and the other half would be mine!

The message would be clear. Two makes a team! Going across all race, gender lines, & limitations; in acceptance and the true spirit of this force that brings us all together (The world-wide community that is HIVE.) we would form a dynamic duo. It sends a message that we are all in this TOGETHER and UNITED we stand!

Nathan immediately agreed to the idea without even a blink and even suggested that we could make the idea even better by making this an NFT play… and I thought… “Heck Yes!”

#You2 + #Me2 = The #HIVE Blockchain

So this is a rally call to each and everyone on the Hive Blockchain! Join @NathanMar’s and myself! Let’s ALL #TeamUP, #DoubleUP, and #PowerUP on the Hive Blockchain and Twitter! Let’s solidify the Hive community to the POWER OF 2 over night!

  • Who among you reading these words, knows immediately who you want to join forces with here on Hive? Did someone’s face jump to mind? Are you already collaborating ALOT?

  • What would it look like if you were to commission an NFT Art Piece with a perfectly matched, artistically expressed face with this person?

  • How would the two of you up your game and collaborate even more to make Hive a better and better destination? AND how would you boost Hive on Twitter and other social media 2.0 sites?

If one person is lobbing balls by themselves… How many people stop to watch? ZERO right? Because that’s called practice. BUT get two people lobbing balls to each other… and now it’s GAME ON right?!

OK! Are you EXCITED about this idea? Are you READY to do this?! (@NathanMars and I are!)


#You2 #Me2 2.jpg


Are you a NFT Artist?

Did you catch the vision for this idea? Do you have any cool conceptualizations for how you could put the two of us together into 1 artifact for the future?

We want the sign and the signifier to speak volumes… and now’s your chance to show everybody everywhere your mad skillz! Let us know if you would like to work your artistic magic on Nathan and my likeness? Our faces are waiting to be combined!

Nathan and I will be dropping a photo each in an upcoming post but until that happens what we really want to do is gauge interest and excitement from the community AND garner as much help and feedback from the NFT community as we can possibly get.

Can you guys and girls do that?

We want to hear from ALL of you!

@wil.metcalfe & @nathanmars

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