Six Weeks To Go

g1pof1.jpgChain art my son made during a vet visit.

I was perusing youtube recently and I noticed one of my favorite homeschooler mom's posted about back to school plans. I decided to do a little checking to see how different school districts plan to handle the return.

Omaha is going to require masks along with a split term. They are going to go by last names and have alternative days. A-K will attend Monady and Tuesday while L-Z will attend every Thursday and Friday and wednesday will revolve between the two groups.

My school district is extending the school day by an extra tenty minutes while giving the option of distance learning (at home) or in class learning. They will not mandate face masks but will heavily encourage it while continuing social distancing.

I'm unsure about how my district plans on handling physical education, free time (lunch and recess) and music but I have seen where activities like this and middle and high school extra cirricular activities will be put on the back burner while some grade schools are going to continue with six foot social distance activities.

Let's finally get them kids in those protective bubbles they should have been in since the dawn of man.

I am interested in how any of my readers districts are going to handle the return to school and how my readers as parents are going to cooperate or not.

I for one am going to choose the distance option as I understand that masks are not full proof and come along with a completely un-discussed set of health hazards. I may even choose to enroll my son in Texas Connections Academy which is a k-12 homeschool type learning.

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