Valueplan: Addendum to Proposal

The Value Plan account has been gaining traction since our previous update. There are a growing number of external-focused events organized by Hive community members and numerous sponsorship opportunities.

We are issuing this report and proposal today to account for this unexpected and growing need and to bring up our budget for the year to a total of 200,000 HBD.

Your Value Plan key holders are as always @Blocktrades, @Crimsonclad, @Guiltyparties, @Smooth, and @Theycallmedan. All have the full set of keys.

The account key holders do not approve all requests. Several large pay-per-minute conference presentation opportunities have been declined. The bear market has also brought out news publishers and other promotional vendors who have lowered their prices. Unfortunately, both of these are the direct results of a lack of engagement and interest from the wider Web3 and crypto ecosystems and not entirely favorable to Hive at this time. We are actively seeking our beneficial promotional opportunities that holistically support the Hive ecosystem.

Balance at this time

467.290 HP
6,234.475 HIVE
6,967.827 HBD

Previous proposals

Q1 - Q2: 50,000 HBD
Q3 - Q4: 100,000 HBD

Current ask

Supplementary: 50,000 HBD

Additional funds are required for upcoming industry conferences and related opportunities as well as to continue with the current events, as below. Please keep in mind that even with all the cost saving measures in place and due diligence, these budgets are only for event-related activities and minor promotional costs. This is the first year we are handling promotional budgets in this manner and are learning as we go.

Activity Transaction

Many of these transactions are a pre-payment for events that are to take place in the future.


5,000.000 HBD to @sm-usd SplinterFest sponsorship | Hive | promotional event sponsorship on August 19


29,905.000 HBD to @hivefest HiveFest 7 | 53,185.55 Euro | 54,904.51 USD total | Payment 2 of total | Initial costs | Additional costs and incidentals likely | Conversion as per 10 August 1pm EST on August 10
25,000.000 HBD to @hivefest Hive Fest 7 | Initial payment for expected fixed costs | Hive ecosystem conference and meetup | Hive annual event on August 4
280.000 HBD to @inthenow HiveFest | video production | promo video | 14 hours + on August 17

Rally Car

The rally car operated by @ssekulji and his team has Hive branding on all sides and races locally in Croatia for the rest of this year. Next year it is expected to do larger races. The @pfunk URL was originally part of this car and not related to this sponsorship.

7,580.000 HBD to @ssekulji 7000 Euro | 2022 partial race/rally season car sponsorship | end of sponsorship round Jan 2023 | Hive branded race/rally car | Hive promotional activity | HBD value as per CoinGecko on 4 July 2022 1835 hours EST on July 4

Valencia Promotional Activity

1,250.000 HBD to @victoriabsb for Hive introductory event in Valencia | Hive dapps, development and opportunities | single event budget | promotional activity | contingency amount as included in proposed fee breakdown | no further costs expected on July 8
650.000 HBD to @enrique89 for ech purchase | equipment | one-time purchase | for use at Hive promotional activities on July 24

Footprint Analytics Sponsorship

1,000.000 HBD to @hiveio (for distribution) for Footprint Analytics dashboard composition hackathon event | for distribution | promotional funds | to be distributed to winners of event on July 14

SWC - Fall Exhibits

The sports exhibits are held in prominent high-end locations and with the direct involvement and invitation of local authorities. The costs for them are high due to logistics (transportation) as well as specialized branding requirements (custom uniforms) specified by the hosts. The transportation includes the use of a commercial truck to move the heavy workout bars and their bases. Privately owned vehicles capable of handling such weights that common in other parts of the world are not readily available in Venezuela.

630.000 HBD to @marscrea SWC | $600 from the requested budget for immediate use in preparation for 4 x exhibitions, 1 x competition, and misc promotional events | Funds to be deducted from total requested budget | Hive promotional sporting activity on June 19
1,220.000 HBD to @marscrea SWC | Sweaters | $1125 at price of HBD as per Coingecko 1220 HBD requested budget for vendor payment | Funds to be deducted from total requested budget | Hive promotional sporting activity on June 22
7,572.000 HBD to @marscrea SWC | No change in price evaluation needed at this time | 4 x exhibitions and 1 x event sponsorship | Hive promotional sporting activity on June 29
3,579.000 HBD to @marscrea Final Hive-focused SWC exhibition at major beach location | event funds including promotional items and logistics | SWC | Hive promotional sporting activity on July 16
580.000 HBD to @marscrea SWC | logistics | unexpected transportation costs | Hive promotional activity on July 20
780.000 HBD to @marscrea SWC | transportation costs | logistics | unexpected costs | Hive promotional activity on July 24
925.000 HBD to @marscrea Shirts for SWC exhibitions | SWC | Hive promotional activity | exhibitions themselves do NOT have approved costs at this time and await sponsorships first | initial preparatory cost on August 22

Multichain Crypto Events

These events are conducted in partnership with BNBChain and other crypto-driven partners.
350.000 HBD to @pettycash (original issuer) Event changed from presentation to sponsorship, moving accounts as per scope | 8976bac197c20e1c0b67d91119b17363b4bae22a tx ref for cross-account transfer on July 26
465.000 HBD to @arlettemsalase Event sponsorship | University multi-chain event | Hive promotional event | additional expenses are expected as full cost of logistics and requirements is not yet known on July 26
185.000 HBD to @arlettemsalase Event sponsorship | remaining required funds | University multi-chain event | Hive promotional event on July 29

Community Well Project

There is currently one well under construction and several more scheduled. These events have led to much regional acclaim, including many news articles and several broadcasts. The costs for each well (now coupled with a distribution of Hive-branded notebooks for local children) is just under $5,000. The cost depends on the drilling location as that affects both depth of needed well and transportation logistics. [The minor funds that Hive community members donate to @valueplan are folded into this project. We will produce detailed accounting with thanks to these individuals at end of year.]

4,924.000 HBD to @mcsamm Well project #3 | Ghana promotional Hive sponsored borehole and related expenditures on June 29
500.000 HBD to @mcsamm Laptop for well opening day and Hive presentation capability | Hive promotional | Ghana well project on July 7
4,924.000 HBD to @mcsamm Ghana well project | borehole #4 | books for distribution to kids | Hive promotional project | Borehole complete $4524 | Books $400 | Further costs possible but not expected at this time on August 18

Inspiring Girls

255.000 HBD to @rutablockchain Inspiring Girls | Hive outreach and promotional activity | educational activity sponsorship of Inspiring Girls charitable initiative | single event on August 12


HBD at exchange evaluation: Very rarely at times where immediate conversion is required, the account will issue funds in HBD not as 1 HBD to $1 USD but at the exchange rate. This is rare and only done where favorable (proper) selling conditions aren't possible.

Laptops and tech equipment: In some parts of the world like Venezuela much of the population is without a working laptop. Unfortunately, they are required for presentations and for onboarding. Under some conditions and where the laptop is for group use, the account will issue funds to purchase one. Chromebooks are not laptops and are banned. A laptop must be functional, securite, and suitable for displaying Hive branding and Hive materials properly. One laptop may be issued per geographical area. The issuing of laptops is concluded for the year and no further ones should be required as we are now geographically covered. Phones are not authorized at any point. Cameras and projectors are authorized if necessary due to comparable rental costs.

Inflation: Prices and costs are on a rapid increase while traditional crypto promotional avenues are experiencing a decline due to these same market trends. We are trying to balance our events under the current conditions.

Thank you for your time once again.

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