A Dash of Sult N Papper 04/01/20> The problem as I see it…. lack of common sense.


In Texas we...

In Texas we can expected the restrictions now in place with “stay at home orders” will continue for at least the whole month of April as the governor made the announcement Tuesday afternoon. I have a hard time wrapping my little brain around just what exactly is going on here with this COVID-19.

Every year here...

Every year here in the USA we experience “flu season” which generally is considered to be from October thru May, eight months. So, as of yesterday, we are two thirds of the way through that flu season. I thought I might just take a look for past data on recent flu seasons just to get an idea of how deadly are the normal flues we contract here are.

According to the CDC’s (Center for Disease Control) the 2017 -2018 flu season there was roughly 61,000 deaths here in the USA that was flu related. That’s a pretty substantial number as I see it and the 2018-2019 flu season came in at 34,200 which is slightly more than half the previous season’s fatalities.

Now keep in mind that the two most common strains (types) of flu those seasons were flues that vaccines were available for; which supposedly would keep you from getting the flu.

Now after what...

Now after what I would call a “pretty bad year” for flu in the ’17-’18 flu season you would think that everyone in the USA would run out and get a flu shot before the ’18-’19 season started but that really wasn’t the case.

The number of vaccines in children only increased 4.7% over the ’17-’18 season to 62% for those under the age of 17 years. Adults in that same time frame had a vaccination rate of slightly higher than 45%.

Keep in mind we all know that the flu is deadly; they tell us that prior to each season usually starting in August about the time children are heading back to school.

I guess where...

I guess where I am going here with this is that given the prior years’ statistics for the last few seasons we should have been shutting down the country, and probably the world for that matter, but that hasn’t happen that I can recall. Why is that? Why does the government care about us so much now; our health and safety?

The government of...

The government of the USA has already determined that an acceptable death rate from flu is as high as 61,000 in a season since they didn’t take action in the ’17-’18 season to shut the country down.

This CV-19 situation has done far more damage than any foreign army or terrorist group could have imagined doing in their wildest dreams. I can assure you that enemies of the USA are taking notes on how they might be able to crush us without the need for large armies or nuke missiles.

Up until now...

Up until now I thought that tRump was doing a pretty decent job as the President of the USA but all the good he has done just went out the window… like throwing the baby out with the bath water.

What exactly is the causing all the fear in our elected officials? What would justify ruining the country when the “we the people” have already shown that more than half the population will face a deadly virus without a flu shot by our own choice?

People who want one can get one, even the poor; they give ‘em away for free for those who can’t afford them. So it has to be that the risk versus the reward isn’t worth it for most people to get a flu shot.

I personally don't...

I personally don’t trust politicians, or pharmaceuticals companies for that matter, so I can foresee a little trouble for me in the not too distant future when some big pharma company has a new vaccine for this COVID-19 virus and will be mandatory that all people in the USA get the vaccination.

I was 15 the last time I got a flu shot and I got the flu that year, so what did I gain in that? A sore arm for a few days is all got that I can remember. I’m not convinced that it didn’t make my case of the flu even worse to boot. I may have had two bouts, (if that many) in the 49 years since then of the flu.

If you look...

If you look back to the H1N1 flu pandemic of 2009 you’ll find the estimated death toll worldwide from that is estimated to have been between 150,000 and 575,000 in the first 12 months as it came into existence. I also do not recall that we shut the country down then by the way.

It was unknown (H1N1) as to how nasty it was gonna be but officials let it run its course and the chips fall where they may so to speak. This current situation should probably been handled the same way. It is a world that has always know the saying “survival of the fittest” or to put a twist on that “survival of the smartest”.

Common sense is...

Common sense is what is lacking it seems from both the government and the people. I can see how people can feel trapped because they’re living with high debt and feel they have to go to work if they can get their shoes on and make it to the door.

The paycheck to paycheck syndrome can cause people to lose their common sense. The government folks leading us don’t have to worry; they’ll get their checks regardless how little they show up for work. So what is their excuse for their lack of common sense?

We have seven...

We have seven months until it is election time here in the USA (if they even hold the election) I would offer that you seriously vote for not one person holding any elected position currently.

In my opinion every one of them has proven in this ordeal that their common sense has abandoned them and they need to be run out of town on rail.

Chances are you’ll have plenty of time to mull this over while you are waiting to get your brand new COVID-20 vaccine.

COVID-19 virus is a flu; get over it, and let’s get back to work and using some common sense.

I’ve rambled on enough for this one,
Until next time,

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