Follow Friday: Poll Dancing

The News

How is it Friday already? It sneaks up on me, but I am ready to do another #FollowFriday post. I would love to see some by other people, so tag me if you do one.

I have produced my usual prices chart. Nothing too dramatic this week, but $HIVE has recovered a little. As usual it seem $BTC is driving things.


The 'Battle of the Blockchains' Twitter poll was a bit of a farce. Proton suddenly got a couple of thousand votes to take the lead, so someone probably paid for that. At least we made it to the final and maybe a few more people heard about Hive.

I did my own little poll as an experiment. I doubt anyone was going to bother cheating on it. I deliberately did not mention it on Hive as I wanted to get the opinions of people who would see it on Twitter. It would be interesting to know who voted on the other options. There may be a few people who might want to be on Hive.

Splinterfest is happening in Las Vegas this weekend. I would hope that lots of people who are going will post about it on Hive. Do people use Splintertalk. I am fine with people using dedicated front ends as long as they are being social. Players can be earning from that too.

Friday Follows

  • I just found @slothlydoesit who is up in Scotland posting about all sorts of things.
  • I know @andrewmusic is a guitarist, but he just bought a drum kit and is getting into that. We need more drummers on Hive. There is an existing community for that, but the founder has disappeared. Maybe I should create a new one.
  • @epodcaster started the NaPodPoMo podcasting challenge fifteen years ago. I did it last year and it was fun. Maybe it will spur me into starting recording again. She is very active on Twitter with lots of promotion of Hive, including live 'Spaces'.
  • I met the @liketu founder @elmerlin at Hivefest. He just posted a nice video his team made there. I pop up in it a couple of times.

The Doghouse

There was yet another case of someone blatantly copying posts this week. I do not think there is any excuse for this. You cannot expect to earn from such dishonestly and the community were quick to deal with it. This is distributed curation that means we do not need central control on Hive. People are prepared to put in the effort to track down abuse even when they get little reward for it.

The End

We are rapidly running out of year. Are you likely to achieve any goals you set? Will 2023 be the Year Of Hive? What could we be doing to make that happen? So many questions!

Hive five!

The man behind: @tenkminnows: Helping good Hivers level up

@proofofbrian: A bot that checks for tag typos

#BritList: A monthly list of Hivers in the UK

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