The non-existent city... ?!

There are several islands that have disappeared without a trace, but also entire communities that seem to have vanished virtually overnight. Then there are reports of entire towns disappearing leaving little evidence that they ever existed. In 1928, the small town of Berghammer, Iowa, looked much as one would expect a small American town to look at the time. The grass was mowed regularly, the streets were maintained, and new buildings appeared from time to time. Oddly enough, when pictures were taken from the air, there did not appear to be a town at this location.

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The fields were overgrown and obviously not maintained and the place looked deserted. It could have been picked up as a mistake or photo anomaly but then a report appeared from a tourist who stopped in Berghammer to refuel. When he drove on, he found that his tank was as empty as it was before he filled it up. So he immediately drove back to Berghammer to ask for the gasoline he had paid for. He drove and drove but could not reach the city. When the tank was finally empty, he got out and continued towards the town.


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He saw it in front of him but could not reach it. More reports emerged from people who were also driving past the town. They claimed the place had been abandoned, and on looking they discovered rows of houses with no occupants. Others claimed to have seen the town vanish into thin air before their eyes. These eyewitness accounts were printed in several newspapers, but after the stock market crash of 1929, these incidents were forgotten. After all, many had other problems at the time. Years later, many curious people traveled to the area again. In fact, they found remains of the former city....

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Was it all just a scary story or was there really a city that disappeared piece by piece, taking its citizens with it?

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